Pick start and end date of one week of the month


Viewed 2,556 times


Good afternoon, you guys.

Today I’m having a problem getting the start date and end of a week of the month. Let’s go by parts:

I have a combo that brings me the weeks of a month posted. To know how many weeks I have in January 2015, for example, I use the following SQL:

SELECT theLast - theFirst + 1 AS Semanas
    SELECT 1 + Number AS theMonth,
    DATEDIFF(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, Number, DATEADD(YEAR, 2015 - 1900, 0))) / 7 AS theFirst,
    DATEDIFF(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, Number, DATEADD(YEAR, 2015 - 1900, 30))) / 7 AS theLast
    FROM master..spt_values
    WHERE Type = 'P' AND Number < 12
) AS d 
WHERE d.theMonth = 01

Up to this point ok, very quiet. Returned 5 weeks. The problem is in finding the beginning and the end of a week. For example, if I post week = 03 and month = 01, you should show me '2015-01-11' as initial and '2015-01-17' as final.

Does anyone have any idea how to do that?

2 answers


In the forum of Microsoft, gave me a solution:

declare @MêsAno varchar(7), @Dia1 DATE, @Id INT = 1;

set @MêsAno = '1/2015';  --< mês/ano, sem espaços

set @Dia1= Convert(date, '1/' + @MêsAno, 103);

set DateFirst 7;

declare @InicioSemana date, @FinalSemana date;

set @InicioSemana= DateAdd(day, 1 - DatePart(weekday, @Dia1), @Dia1);

set @FinalSemana= DateAdd(day, +6, @InicioSemana);

while Month(@InicioSemana) = Month(@Dia1) or Month(@FinalSemana) =
    SELECT @Id, @InicioSemana, @FinalSemana;
    set @InicioSemana= DateAdd(day, +7, @InicioSemana);
    set @FinalSemana= DateAdd(day, +6, @InicioSemana);
    set @Id = @Id+1;


The following command takes the first Monday of the month:


The Monday of the third week can thus be obtained:

SELECT @TerceiraSegundaFeira = DATEADD(WEEK, 2, @PrimeiraSegundaFeira)

The Friday of the third week can thus be obtained:

SELECT @TerceiraSextaFeira = DATEADD(DAY, 5, @TerceiraSegundaFeira)
  • Thank you for answering, but still not that hehehe... For example, the first week of January consists of the days 01,02 and 03... day 04 is already part of the second week of January. I need to pass to SQL the month and the week and it returns me the two dates. It became clearer now?

  • @Isabela There is expansion of logic. By determining an algorithm at the beginning and end of the week and using the logic of the answer, you would arrive at a satisfactory result.

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