View formatless HTML tags from Twitter Bootstrap


Viewed 184 times


Guys have a column in the bank where I type posts from the site. La I do all the formatting with Bold, alignments, fonts and everything. Only when I will display on the site many settings of the tags stay as Twitter Bootstrap configures so being disappear for example the bookmarks. How do I display this content on the site without having the modifications made by Twitter Bootstrap? Thank you

2 answers


What you need to do is a context, or wrapper as it is commonly used in CSS.

The context or wrapper is a (parent) element that will involve several elements with specific rules or not.


p {color:blue;}
.wrapper p {color:red;}
<p>Estou fora do contexto....</p>
<div class="wrapper">
   <p>Eu estou no contexto...</p>
<p>Eu também estou fora do contexto....</p>

So you need to create a CSS with a wrapper that overrides the Twitter Bootstrap rules.

A very simple way to keep the CSS of a wrapper:

.wrapper * {

Here a CSS Reset widely used, to wrap it in wrapper just add the class before all selectors.


You need overwrite the settings the elements are receiving from Bootstrap!

How to do this?

place !important in the settings you want to prioritize. Example:

p { color: red !important; }


EDIT: Another way is to put the style directly in html. Example:

<p style="color: red;"> Olá mundo! </p>
  • look I thought about it. But if I do this I’ll also change the layout of the site. I figured I’d have some other way to do this.

  • see another way I put

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