Make file available for download via Avascript


Viewed 11,683 times


I have a javascript application where the user can view certain files from the server. I would like to know how to make these files available for download, something like a "Save As" button. Thank you in advance.

  • Just make a window.location.href='caminhoDoArquivoParaDownload'; doesn’t solve?

  • Managed to resolve this?

2 answers


Hello, this will do?

The attribute download downloads the file in href.

function mudarLink() {
  var baixar = document.getElementById('baixar');
  baixar.href = "";
  baixar.innerHTML = "Baixar imagem Stack Exchange";
<button onclick="mudarLink()">Mude o Link</button>
<a id="baixar" href="" download>Baixar imagem Stack Overflow</a>


Note that does not work in all browsers:

  • This serves in parts, need the argument for href to be dynamic, ie variable according to the file the user chooses. I’m using a Cobol program, but the download part needs to be done in javascript.

  • You can change the href with javascript. Maybe: document.getElementById("id").href = "link";. See the edited response for in example how to use.

  • solved @Ricardoribeiro


my problem was: download after selecting a solved option like this:

<select id="tipo_documento" name="tipo_documento">
<option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">.:: Modelos de Documentos ::.</option>
<option value="Documentos/DayCamp/Contrato.doc">Contrato.doc</option>
<option value="Documentos/DayCamp/Orçamento.doc">Orçamento.doc</option>

<a href="#" download id="btnBaixarModelo" name="btnBaixarModelo" class="btn bg-purple form-control pull-right"  title="Baixar Modelo">
<i class="fa fa-cloud-download mao" title="Baixar Modelo"></i>

$('#frmOrcamento #tipo_documento').on('change',function(){
var url = $(this).val();$('#frmOrcamento #btnBaixarModelo').attr({'href':url});

I know that "download" does not work on some browsers, but my client uses Chrome and firefox. Business rule: when selecting an option it copies and pastes the path to the link from the[ class . btn => bootstrap ]

Try to create something similar, it is possible that this idea of mine helps you, success!

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