Insert widget into binary search tree


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I’m having a hard time adding an element to a binary search tree. The function returns 1 if the element to be inserted is already in the tree and 0 otherwise. The function return works well but when printing the tree the new element does not appear in the new tree. Here is my code :

int adiciona (Abin a, int x)

  int n;

  if (a == NULL)
    Abin novi = (Abin)malloc (sizeof (struct sbin));
    novi->valor = x;
    novi->esq = NULL;
    novi->dir = NULL;
    n = 0;
    if (x == a->valor)
    { n = 1; }
    if (x > a->valor)
    { n = adiciona (a->dir , x); }
    if (x < a->valor)
    { n = adiciona (a->esq , x); }


   return n;

Is the error in my code ? If it is, what is the right way to solve this function ?

2 answers


At no point in this code do you add the new created branches to the top branches of the tree. That’s - you call the function adiciona recursively correctly, the function adiciona creates a new single-level tree and inserts the value, but does not insert this new tree into the parent levels.

Since in C it is complicated a function to return more than one value (in this case its "n" and the new branch of the tree) - the best is to create the new branch, when necessary without calling the add function with a "NULL" as root - (why there it has where to add the created branch).

So maybe one of the simplest ways is to sort of rearrange your function like this

Abin cria(void)
  return (Abin)malloc (sizeof (struct sbin));

int adiciona (Abin a, int x)
  int n;

  if (x == a->valor)
    { n = 1; }
  if (x > a->valor)
      if (!a->dir)
        a->dir = cria();
        a -> dir -> valor = valor;   
        n = 0;
      { n = adiciona(a->dir, x); }
  if (x < a->valor)
      if (!a->esq)
      { a -> esq = cria();
        a -> esq -> valor = valor;
        n = 0;
      { n = adiciona (a->esq , x); }
  return n;

(exceptionally I have maintained its indentation pattern - but it is none of the preferred forms for key languages)


You need to do a point to your element novi. It doesn’t print anything because you allocate a value in memory but doesn’t add it to your tree.

  • The way the code is, change the value of the variable a does not resolve - (however using a reference reference would resolve and itnterferiria less with original design than my suggestion)

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