Use "SUM" in access +


Viewed 148 times


I have a small problem in the Access query , where I have the following code :

 Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
    Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
    Dim Da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim Dt As New DataTable
    Dim dtinicio As String
    Dim dtfim As String
    Dim NO As String
    dtinicio = txtDt1.Text
    dtfim = txtDt2.Text()
    NO = TextBox1.Text
    cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Firebird.mdb"
    txtDt1.Text = CDate(txtDt1.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
    txtDt2.Text = CDate(txtDt2.Text).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
        With cmd
            .CommandType = CommandType.Text
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dtInicio", dtinicio)
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dtFim", dtfim)
            .CommandText = "SELECT dt , SUM(UNI) AS UNI FROM RELATORI WHERE dt between @dtInicio and @dtFim ORDER BY dt  ORDER BY dt"
             .Connection = cn
        End With
        With Da
            .SelectCommand = cmd
            Dt = New DataTable
            RELATORIDataGridView.DataSource = Dt
        End With
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

what I need , would include in the line :

.CommandText = "SELECT dt , SUM(UNI) AS UNI FROM RELATORI WHERE dt between @dtInicio and @dtFim ORDER BY dt  ORDER BY dt"

a few more fields with the SUM, in case more 3 . I could not find a way to insert the other fields that in the case would be "SALE", "GROUP", "COUPON". Someone would have an example of how I do it ?

  • You want to add up the sales quantities, groups and coupons or you want them to appear in the grouping?

  • I have the group of cakes coffee and soft drinks , I want to group the cakes sold within the cake group and etc. add the units I sold, and the value I had to the total with each group.

1 answer


It’s not much of a secret:

.CommandText = @"SELECT dt, GRUPO, SUM(UNI) AS UNI, SUM(VENDA) as Vendas, SUM(CUPOM) as Cupons
         WHERE dt between @dtInicio and @dtFim 
         GROUP BY dt, Grupo
         ORDER BY dt"

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