I have a table anuncios
, in which I wish to list the anuncios
of the user together with the imagens
, I’m trying with the query
below, but if you have 5 imagens
registered in the anuncio
, in the table it will display 5 times, has to limit the images?
"select a.*, u.nome as nome_usuario, i.thumb as nome_imagem from anuncios a
left join usuarios u on u.id = a.id_usuario left join imagens i on
i.id_anuncio = a.id where id_usuario = '{$idUsuario}'";
Voce tried with LIMIT and it didn’t work out? where did you put the LIMIT? what you tried so far?
– Marcelo Bezerra bovino
I tried to put the LIMIT in everything that is place in the query and it does not work haha =/
– Eduardo Paludo