Message in Google Webmasters Tools - Changes to sitelinks for


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Someone knows what this message means in Google Webmasters Tools, I’m receiving it direct. All I know is it’s something to do with Sitelinks, I believe it’s some fault or error.

A verified user has blocked or unblocked sitelinks for this site: The links Shown Below some sites in our search Results, called sitelinks, are Meant to help users navigate your site. Our systems Analyze the link Structure of your site to find shortcuts that will save users time and allow them to quickly find the information they’re Looking for. The process of Creating Sitelinks is completely Automated, but if you think that the sitelinks displayed for your site are inappropriate or incorrect, you can block them so that they no longer appear. More information.

1 answer


Source: Google Support


Os links exibidos abaixo de alguns resultados da pesquisa do Google, 
chamados de sitelinks, têm como finalidade ajudar os usuários a navegar 
em seu site. Nossos sistemas analisam a estrutura de links de seu site 
a fim de localizar atalhos para poupar o tempo do usuário e possibilitar
a localização rápida da informação que está procurando.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

*1: o principal resultado de pesquisa*

*2: inks de sites*

Exibimos links de sites nos resultados somente quando achamos que eles 
podem ser úteis para o usuário. Se a estrutura de seu site não permitir 
que nossos algoritmos localizem bons links de site ou se você achar que 
os links para seu site não são pertinentes para a consulta do usuário, 
nós não os exibiremos.

In short, the Google automatically generating these sitelinks to facilitate the user experience when wanting to access a page or search for something on your site, sometimes it is not right and you can remove them. On the link at the top of the reply you have more details of how you do to remove this.

If it’s not yet clear what the sitelinks, see an example from Google itself:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Okay, I even know this Sitelink function, I just want to understand the message that came. If I am not wrong it seems to be some call to some fault that is occurring. I did not understand the message. And if it’s a glitch, what to do to fix it.

  • @Lenosousa There is another WebMaster that controls the site along with you? Usually this notice is when someone changes the sitelinks

  • No, just me.

  • It may be that when Google’s own tool changes your sitelinks you get notified, take a look at.

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