I have a list with several images, and when with the hover
, take place 4 animations, a overlay, another bg of overlay, image caption appears and another "read more" text also appears.
All the animations I did with jQuery, except the other text that has this "read more" that I did with Greensock. What happens is that the hover
, in any of the images, activates the animation of Greensock in all the others, this does not happen with the animations in jQuery because I used the this
How would I make the animation only happen in the image that I give the hover
Follow the code, the .plus
is the animated "read more" textile that is not working.
function animatePublications() {
$( ".menu-publications li" ).hover(function() {
// var self = $(this);
$( ".overlay", this).stop().animate({'opacity' : 1}, 400);
$( ".overlay-plus", this).stop().animate({'bottom': '0', 'opacity' : 1}, 400);
$( ".caption", this).css( "color", "#ffffff" ).stop().animate({'top': '-175px'}, 400);
TweenLite.to(plus, 1, {bottom:"24px", ease:Bounce.easeOut});
}, function() {
$( ".overlay", this).stop().animate({'opacity' : 0}, 400);
$( ".overlay-plus", this).stop().animate({'bottom': '-148px', 'opacity' : 0}, 400);
$( ".caption", this).css( "color", "#737373" ).stop().animate({'top': '0'}, 400);
// $( ".plus").stop().animate({'bottom': '-105px'}, 400);
TweenLite.to(plus, 0.5, {bottom:"-105px"});