I’m performing a conversion on some comic objects where they are with a fixed name of the database.
select * from banco.dbo.tabela ...
In this case, we are changing this banco
fixed, by a variable that contains the name in each base. In the procedures we perform the conversion of the sentences into Scripts, concatenating the variable.
select * from '+@banco+'.dbo.tabela..
And running with sp_executesql
The problem is that in Function’s I cannot execute this command. Could you help me with a possible solution to the case.
@valor INT
,@valor2 INT
,@valor3 INT
SELECT @valor4 = E001.coddot
FROM BANCO.dbo.tabela1 tb1
JOIN BANCO.dbo.tabela2 tb2 ON tb2.campo = tb1.campo
JOIN BANCO.dbo.tabela3 tb3 ON tb2.campo = tb3.campo
JOIN BANCO.dbo.tabela4 tb4 ON tb4.campo = tb3.campo
AND tb4.campo = @valor3
WHERE tb2.campo < 50000
AND tb3.campo IS NULL
AND tb3.campo = @valor2
AND tb3.campo = @valor
RETURN @valor4;
How about deleting the seat prefix completely and using a
USE database;
before performing the procedures?– gmsantos
But it is that in the case are separate bases, where we perform Join for checks or information search.
– Purcini
What if only the Procedure call you put the name of the bank? Example:
Use bancoA;
Call BancoB.dbo.procedure
– gmsantos
I am not running a Procedure. I am servicing a Function. In Function there is a Select that returns a value, but in select there is.
– Purcini
I put an example. Where the BANK can not be a fixed but dynamical Noma. I have a Function that returns the name of the local base, where I can assign a variable.
– Purcini
You can create a process that makes the dynamic query and insert the results into a specific table, and use the function to select from this table (take a look in this question from Ask SQL Server Central).
– dang