Problem with float vector


Viewed 556 times


I created a code for a college exercise that was running smoothly, but I forgot that one of the variables of struct was a vector, and when I made a simple change everything changed. Virtually all functions are giving error. I can’t find the answer anywhere.

BEFORE (when it worked) it was like this:

struct turma{
  int matricula;
  char nome[15];
  float nota;
  float media;
  char resultado;
}; typedef struct turma turma;

Then I switched to:

struct turma{
  int matricula;
  char nome[15];
  float nota[5];
  float media;
  char resultado;
}; typedef struct turma turma;

And nothing else works. Follow the example of a function that has gone wrong:

void insere (turma alg[MAX])
{   int x,y;
float cont=0;
for (x=0;x<MAX;x++)
{   printf("\nInforme os dados do %iº aluno: ", x+1);
    printf("\n\nMatrícula: ", x+1);
    scanf("%d", &alg[x].matricula);
    printf("Nome: ", x+1);
    scanf("%s", &alg[x].nome);
        for (y=0;y<5;y++){
        printf("%iº nota: ", y+1);
        scanf("%f", &alg[y].nota);
        cont = cont + alg[y].nota;

Last line error is error:

invalid operands to Binary + (have 'float' and 'float *')

  • You can add the error in the code Citation, to emphasize about the real problem. Also add the other codes at the beginning of the post in code, will highlight them, helps in understanding.

1 answer


The problem is that you are trying to make a sum of a variable float (cont) with a pointer (alg[y].nota).

Remember that you modified your struct so that the variable would become a float vector. Modify your code snippet to:

scanf("%f", &alg[x].nota[y]);
cont = cont + alg[x].nota[y];

I believe this will solve your problem

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