How to show an image every 5 seconds javascript


Viewed 3,779 times


Well my question is the following, I would like to know, how would you make javascript take a 5 seconds interval before editing image.

My code:

window.onload = function() {
        document.getElementById("imagem").src = "";
        document.getElementById("imagem2").src = "";
        document.getElementById("imagem3").src = "";
<img id="imagem" src="">
<img id="imagem2" src="">
<img id="imagem3" src="">

That is to say that there was an interval in each src of 5 seconds.

First javascript edit the id "image", after 5 seconds edit the id "imagem2", etc...

2 answers


You can accomplish this by manipulating DOM objects, removing the previous image and creating a new one instead.


var i = 1;
var id = 'imagem'
// Intervalo em milissegundos (1s == 1000ms)
var milissegundos = 2000; // 5000 = 5 Segundos

// Executa a função a cada intervalo de tempo
var interval = setInterval(function(){

  // Recebe o elemento
  var img = document.getElementById(id);

  // Seta o source da nova imagem
  img.setAttribute('src', ''+i+'&w=350&h=150');

}, milissegundos);
<div id="img-area">
    <img id="imagem" src="" />


var i = 1;
var id = '#imagem'
// Intervalo em milissegundos (1s == 1000ms)
var milissegundos = 2000;

// Executa a função a cada intervalo de tempo
var interval = setInterval(function(){
  // Seta o source da nova imagem
    $(id).fadeOut(200, function(){
        $(id).attr('src', ''+i+'&w=350&h=150').delay(100).fadeIn(200);

}, milissegundos);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="img-area">
    <img id="imagem" src="" />

Example of Roulette

  • I’m sorry, but I’m bit novice in the area of javascript, say-m and one thing, if I want to add more images to edit different id’s how do?

  • Opa @Gonçalo, what data do you have? Do you have an array of images? How many images do you want to add at a time?

  • Well I will try to explain it very well, it works as follows: I have an img of light yellow, an img of light green, an img of light orange, a light purple img and a light red img, ai type if the color condition is equal to red, I want to simulate that it goes through all the colors until it gets red, which is a roulette wheel, which basically shows the image of dark green > shows the image of light green, wait 1 second, active shows dark orange image > shows light orange image etc... until you get to red

  • 1

    Hmm. I get it @Gonçalo You need to do this with pure Javascript or you can use some library like jQuery?

  • I can use Jquery, no problem.

  • @Gonçalo, I added a link to the answer. ;)

  • Friend just tell me one thing, this works on the same img id?

  • Yes @Gonçalo, you can do it direct document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('src', 'caminho/da/imagem.jpg');

  • I’ve got it Thank you!

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You can use the setTimeout to generate the desired delay.

function iniciarSlideImagens() {

    var exibirImagens = function(current) {
        var arrImgsAmarelas = [ 'amarelo0.png', 'amarelo1.png' ];
        var arrImgsLaranjas = [ 'laranja0.png', 'laranja1.png' ];

        document.getElementById("imagem").src = "cores-roleta/" + arrImgsAmarelas[current];
        document.getElementById("imagem1").src = "cores-roleta/" + arrImgsLaranjas[current];

        if (++current >= arrImgsAmarelas.length) {
            current = 0;

        setTimeout(function() { exibirImagens(current); }, 5000);



  • Good Afternoon, this in case changes only an id of an img, I wanted to change several ids of various imgs.

  • @Gonçalo Editei the answer.

  • I put the code as follows: And I only see the image of img.

  • How so the img image? You missed you change the selector to the orange image, which should be imagem1 and you kept imagem2.

  • Good morning, I’m sorry but I’m really beginner in the area, can you tell me what is selector?. Thank you.

  • The problem was on the line document.getElementById("imagem2") that should be imagem1. I edited the answer code to close with your example.

  • Friend, what’s happening is this: I wanted you to first turn on the yellow(yellow1.png) after 5 seconds turn off the yellow(yellow0.png) and turn on the orange (orange1.png) and so on....

  • Opa @Gonçalo, after seeing what you want, this Oeslei solution fits you well, I made some adjustments to it.

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