How do I add two strings in C#?


Viewed 718 times


I have a method that will take two strings and return the sum of them in string format.

I use string because there will be +-30 digit numbers. I’m having trouble converting to add. :/

2 answers


How do you talk about converting to ulong I’ll assume that the strings represent whole.

public string Somar(string numA, string numB)
    BigInteger bigA = BigInteger.Parse(numA);
    BigInteger bigB = BigInteger.Parse(numB);
    return BigInteger.Add(bigA, bigB).ToString();

If you want to treat float or double change Biginteger for Bigdecimal. An exception of the kind Formatexception will be launched if it is not possible to do the Parse.

  • I only need one () at the end of Tostring right? : D


If you are using . Net Framework 4.0 or higher you can use Biginteger. You only need to reference the following Assembly System.Numerics.

  • I use . NET 4.5.2, but it does not find Biginteger.

  • @Jonathanbarcela vc needs to add the System.Numerics reference to your project.

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