How to start an Edittext as null?


Viewed 239 times


I want that when the user marks a Radiobutton, one Edittext that has already been started as null, appear, but I do not know how to do it.

  • 1

    That one Edittext is declared in an XML or is it created by code? Explain what you mean by "Edittext that has already been started as null"

  • This Edtitext has already been set up in an XML file, it has already been called in JAVA, and now I wanted to make this Edittext start as null and, when the user clicks on a Radiobutton, it appears

  • You want to make Edittext who is invisible for visible?

  • Almost that... I want that when opening the xml file as Activity, it already starts Invisible, but, when I mark the radiobutton, it appears

2 answers


The visibility of a View can be indicated using the method JAVA setVisibility() or the attribute XML android.visibility.

So that your Edittext boot as invisible do:

In the XML


Or in the JAVA
In the method onCreate()

EditText minhaEditText = (EditText) findViewById(;

When you want her to be visible again:



Do you want Edittext to be NULL or without written content in it? If it’s without content just do something like:


This will make Edittext content blank.

  • I want it to start null already, so that when I mark a radiobutton, it becomes visible

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