C# to Javascript Converter: ((object)Sender). attribute


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I’m developing a C# to Javascript converter and I’m in a jam when the code has a line of code like this:


What is the corresponding Javascript code?

1 answer


See, in C#, you’re saying:

((Imagebutton)Sender). Imageurl

-Grab the "Sender" object and cast it for type 'Imagebutton'; -With the resulting object (which is an instance of 'Imagebutton'), take the Imageurl property (which is part of the Imagebutton type);

Well, javascript is a weakly typed language. This cast is unnecessary. If the object is of the Imagebutton type, the Imageurl property will be there without you needing the cast. Simply:


If you need to confirm the cast, use typeof to check the instance class.

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