How to remove popup when opening product details?


Viewed 197 times


I’m using a theme, and this theme by clicking on the product on the main page opens a popup with the details on the page. I would like the click on "view" to be directed to the product page or remove the "+" sign from the price of combobox (the "+" sign does not appear on the product page because I was able to remove it, but on popup appears).

Magento version.

Website for viewing Exemplo

  • Problem with the "+" sign has been solved. Changed configurable.js file commented the lines in the following code: [link] (

  • for the popup I believe it to be this code [link] ( but I don’t know how to change to just direct to the product page.

  • If Diogo has solved your problem, mark the answer as the solution. Have a good day! :)

1 answer


I never worked with Magento, but analyzing his code to simply do a "trick" with CSS.

.item a.product-image {
   display: block; /* adicionei esse */ 
   z-index: 1; /* adicionei esse */
   position: relative; /* adicionei esse */
   outline: medium none;

Basically it overrides the link div popup.

To remove the button go to the line 4040 of style.css, in class .item .product-hover-box and add:

display: none;

Do the same on the line 7943 of style.css, in class .mt-actions and add again:

display: none;
  • I made the change in style.css but it didn’t help, maybe I changed the wrong css file.

  • @Diogogumeiro Sometimes the file is cached, give a CTRL + F5 and check if this class is correctly in the component.

  • I noticed that now I can click the photo and redirect to the product page. I just need to see to remove these view and buy buttons.

  • @Diogogumeiro I updated the answer with 2 other changes for you to make, give a look :)

  • 1

    It worked. Thank you very much, I spent some time looking for how to make these changes. I had no idea how to remove that pop-up, nor imagined that with css would solve my problem.

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