Difference between Getter Setter and Property in Delphi


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There are some ways to encapsulate the attributes, among them, the one that I found most interesting was the one that uses the methods Getter and Setters to access the attributes (similar to what is done in Java). I’ve been reading and downloading material on the subject, and I’ve noticed that most programmers use properties. I cannot understand the "advantage" of using Property, because at the end of the day, they are also "accessing" the value of attributes through Getter and Setters. I don’t know if I could express myself clearly, but in short, I would like to know the difference or disadvantages between them.

3 answers


Based only on experience I say that using methods, one method to obtain the value and another to set the value, is an unnecessary code wear unless you have rules (validations/checks) to be made on the value that will be obtained or set to the field.

In Delphi, the code pattern used is, for example:

TPessoa = class
  FNome: string;
  property Nome: string read FNome write FNome;
// e usa-se assim
pessoa := TPessoa.Create;
pessoa.Nome := 'Fulano';

Where there’s an estate Nome that directly accesses the field FNome (in Delphi is field and not attribute).
The same could be written as follows:

TPessoa = class
  FNome: string;
  private SetNome(AValue: string);
  function GetNome: string;
  property Nome: string read GetNome write SetNome;
private TPessoa.SetNome(AValue: string);
  // possíveis verificações e validações ...
  FNome := AValue;

procedure TPessoa.GetNome: string;
  // possíveis verificações e validações ...
  result := FNome;

Here it is used in the same way:

pessoa := TPessoa.Create;
pessoa.Nome := 'Fulano';    

In this way you intrinsically use the method GetNome when trying to recover the value of the property and the SetNome to set the value.

This is where you probably wondered about the need to use the property with methods Get and Set, and who probably wondered why not just use the methods Setxxx and Getxxx, as in the example?

TPessoa = class
  FNome: string;
  private SetNome(AValue: string);
  function GetNome: string;

The pattern with property is a custom that comes from time.
To C#, over time it was allowed to write properties with anonymous methods:

public class Pessoa
    public string Nome { get; set; }

// e você usa assim:
var pessoa = new Pessoa();
pessoa.Nome = 'Fulano';

And the main issue of your taste is most likely your custom with Java.

If I’m not mistaken, with the Java 8 property with anonymous methods is already possible. Well, especially if I’m not mistaken, leads me to the conclusion that this method has been considered increasingly practical than accessing values of Fields only by methods Get and Set.

Finally, as I said I was relying solely on my own experience, what coding pattern to be used is not an obligation but an opitional one, then it remains to evaluate whether the application in Delphi will receive maintenance only by you or if it goes to others with experience only in Delphi. If you still only want to use the methods Getters and Setters.

The difference of use between one form and another I believe is only in the extra effort for the user of the class access a field by means of methods than directly by property.

On the advantages and disadvantages: I believe that there are only advantages in using the coding standards of each language, because it makes it more intelligible by another programmer who comes to put his hand in his source code.

I believe that everyone who programs in one language and then needs to program in another tends to want to use the same coding pattern in both.

  • Your answer is good. I would add information about Delphi’s integration with components (published properties), directives (default, nodefault, Storage), property overwriting, read-only and write-ony properties. I’m not gonna give you an answer because I’m too lazy

  • I don’t know nodefault and storage I’ve seen it but I don’t know how it works. Ownership write-only? Good, then I will research on what I do not know. Thank you for the comment.

  • rs, stored, not Storage, typing error.


Your difficulty is precisely because you’re not used to seeing the code like this. Apparently, Java had no properties before and that’s why it uses getters/setters.

Some advantages in using properties:

  1. The code becomes much clearer when using properties (property).
  2. You can easily change a "read only" property to "Read and Write", and vice versa, without having to look in the code for getters and setters.
  3. Using INDEX you can pass an index by accessing the class properties;

    TMyRect = class
      FValues: Array[0..3] of Integer;
      function GetTop(Index: Integer): Integer;
      function GetLeft(Index: Integer): Integer
      function GetWidth(Index: Integer): Integer
      function GetHeight(Index: Integer): Integer
      property Top    Index 0 read GetTop;
      property Left   Index 1 read GetLeft;
      property Width  Index 2 read GetWidth;
      property Height Index 3 read GetHeight;
    function TMyRect.GetTop(Index: Integer): Integer;
      Result := FValues[Index];
  4. Properties can be accessed by Object Inspector;

Two questions in Soen on this subject helped me to learn more about:



  • I didn’t know about the Index, interesting. Accesses via Object inspector the classes that were installed in the Delphi as components and that the properties are in Published.

  • 1

    @Jamestk Truth, properties in Published. But the same does not apply to fields (Fields).


I believe that the main advantage of using Property instead of getter and Setter in Delphi is both reading and writing access in a single attribute.

With getters and setters we would have: getName and setName. (Example: person.setNome('So-and-so'))

With Property we would have: Name only. (Example: person.name := 'So-and-so').

In that link there is more useful information.

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