A little problem in Eclipse


Viewed 212 times


There was, yesterday, asked a question right here on the website regarding a problem in my Eclipse ADT. I heartily thank the lucky, whose name I don’t remember, for helping me! The way was to install a plugin in the SDK.

Even so, when building my Android projectiles in Eclipse ADT, I believe that the IDE suggests a modification in the code (these lamps!). Look what I’m talking about:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This code model did not appear when the ADT plugin had been installed a few days ago, nor did the lamps appear.

If there is any problem or improvement in the code, what do I do?

  • Underlined object names/properties/methods are deprecated it is not recommended to use them, the bulb should be a suggestion of new or similar resource.

  • You can see the history of your participation here on the site by accessing your profile. To find out why the lamps put the mouse pointer over them.

1 answer


Underlined object names/properties/methods etc. are obsolete, it is not recommended to use them in new projects, the lamp should be a suggestion of the new or similar feature.

The class ActionBarActivity is obsolete as indicated in documentation in its place the Appcompatactivity


public class Tela extends ActionBarActivity


public class Tela extends AppCompatActivity
  • Mm. I get it... I do what now?

  • Following the "advice" of the lamps, I managed to remove them. What happened in my code: add instruction: @Suppresswarnings("deprecation") Still, the underscore still exists!

  • In place of public class tela extends ActionBarActivity place public class tela extends AppCompatActivity, and do the correct import suggested by the eclipse. @Gabriel

  • VALEEEEU! Everything ran in compliant! Is there somewhere in this topic where I can mark the issue as resolved?

  • Yes on the left side there are arrows below them have a V that signals that this answer was accepted, enjoy and see How and why to accept an answer?. @Gabriel

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