What is the forecast to support importing text/html content into modern browsers using the link tag?


Viewed 176 times


Recently I came across the current TAG documentation <link> on the website W3.org - http://www.w3.org/TR/html-imports where you specify that you can import content with mime-type text/html, ie HTML files. This would solve a current problem that I have to factor the contents of my application into several HTML files.

I made a small example that worked only on Chromium (the Google Steroid Browser).


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Seres Humanos</title>
    <link id="heart-html" rel="import" href="heart.html">
    <p>O que um homem sem um coração ?</p>
      var link = document.querySelector('link#heart-html');
      var heart = link.import;
      // Acesso o DOM do documento em heart.html
      var myHeartMsg = heart.querySelector('p#text');


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <p id="text">Este é meu coração</p>

I searched extensively on the web and could not find information about what would be the support forecast for this Feature, i.e., importing text/html content into modern browsers using the link tag ?

  • 1

    The HTML5 Rocks has an amazing posting (in English) on the subject... too bad there is compatibility yet in browsers.

  • 1

    Another interesting article on the subject: http://robdodson.me/blog/2013/08/20/exploring-html-imports/

  • Thank you @bfavaretto for sharing this link. I will look fondly.

  • Thank you @miguel-Angelo for sharing this link. I’ll look kindly

2 answers


I just discovered that there is Polyfill for the following Browsers.

Android Chrome, Chrome, Canary, Firefox, IE 10+, Safari 6+ and Mobile Safari.

Works That way:

function supportsImports() {
  return 'import' in document.createElement('link');

if (supportsImports()) {
  // Bom pra proceguir !
} else {
  // Use o "Polymer HTMLImports library" para carregar os arquivos.

Li in http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/imports/ and the author mentions this implementation : https://github.com/polymer/HTMLImports that loads 8 Javascript files to support this functionality. It is not worth copying all the code here, so the reference to the sources in GITHUB.


You can check the progress of the implementation of this functionality by the main browsers in the section Browser Support of the site https://www.webcomponents.org

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