Encoding problem in project import to Android Studio


Viewed 424 times


I imported a project via SVN in Android Studio.

Previously the project was in Eclipse and who took care of the project ended up committing files like .classpath. From then on I started having an encoding problem that, regardless of what I do, remains. This has been compromising the project strings.


"Verifique se a conex�o WI-FI esta ativa."

I’ve already changed the encoding to UTF-8, Cp1252, etc without getting positive results.

Could someone help me with this question?

  • You changed the encoding android studio/project? If so, this will not solve. Try to convert the Resource (I believe it is the class) that contains the problem string for the project/IDE encoding. gradle, for example, you can congest it directly into the build.

  • I tried to do this too, but I did not get results. About Gradle, the project does not use it.

  • What the encoding project/IDE standard and what encoding of artifact with problem? If it is the same, then it was probably opened in a tool "forcing" the* encoding*, and not converting. Then you’ll need to edit it anyway =/

1 answer


Open the file in question, right-click on it, File Encoding option. Try changing to "Windows-1252" and see if resolve.

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