How to use str_replace in single quotes without removing the ones that are required?


Viewed 7,780 times


I’m going through a database of a friend who had some data entered wrong or a little confused or I’m the one who’s making it difficult.

Ex: Mariana "Gurizinha’s"

This example was saved in the bank as follows: \'Gurizinha\'s\'

To display on his website I tried to create a function which replaces the initial character with a " and the ending also with ".

Right would be to pick up a text that was saved that way and that has 100 words or more and correct displaying: "Gurizinha's" instead of \'Gurizinha\'s\'. Then my head tied a knot str_replace it will take all the text and whatever has ' will change to " so if it is words that need Are’s it will replace by ".

function rt_especial($valor) {
  $i = 0;
  $palavras = explode(' ', $valor);

  foreach($palavras as $Arr) {
    $novotexto = stripcslashes($Arr);
    $i2 = 0;
    $palavras2 = explode("'", $novotexto);

    foreach($palavras2 as $Arr2) {

    for($i3 = 0; $i3 <= $i2; $i3++) {
      $str = '"';
      $str .= $palavras2[$i3];

  echo substr($string, -1);
  $novotexto = join(' ', $novotexto);

  return $novotexto;

Code entering data into Mysql database:

function db_executa($tabela, $dados, $acao = 'insert', $parametros = '') {
    if (strtolower($acao) == 'insert') {
      $consulta = 'insert into ' . $tabela . ' (';
      while (list($coluna, ) = each($dados)) $consulta .= $coluna . ', ';
      $consulta = substr($consulta, 0, -2) . ') values (';

  while (list(, $valor) = each($dados)) {
    switch ((string)$valor) {
      case 'now()':
        $consulta .= 'now(), ';
      case 'null':
        $consulta .= 'null, ';
        $consulta .= '\'' . db_entrada($valor) . '\', ';
  $consulta = substr($consulta, 0, -2) . ')';

} elseif (strtolower($acao) == 'update') {
  $consulta = 'update ' . $tabela . ' set ';

  while (list($coluna, $valor) = each($dados)) {
    switch ((string)$valor) {
      case 'now()':
        $consulta .= $coluna . ' = now(), ';
      case 'null':
        $consulta .= $coluna .= ' = null, ';
            $consulta .= $coluna . ' = \'' . db_entrada($valor) . '\', ';
      $consulta = substr($consulta, 0, -2) . ' where ' . $parametros;
    return db_consulta($consulta);

Solving part of the problem: It’s not a pretty way and much less certain, but it’s the one I got to solve.

function rt_especial($valor){

        $string = $valor;
        $separa = explode(" ", $string); // quebra a string nos espaços
        $count = count($separa); // quantidade de separações

        $arrayok = array();

        for($i=0; $i<= $count; $i++)
            // Pego toda palavra que começa com \' e substituo por "
            $string2 = ereg_replace("^([/\'])", '"',$separa[$i]);
            $string3 = str_replace("\',", '",', $string2);
            $string4 = str_replace("\',", '",', $string3);

            $string5 = ereg_replace('^([/""])', '"',$string4);
            $string6 = ereg_replace('([/""])$', '"',$string5);

            //Pego toda palavra que termina com \' e substituo por "
            $string = ereg_replace("([/\'])$", '"',$string6);
            $string7 = str_replace('"\'', '"', $string);
            $string8 = str_replace("\'\"", '"', $string7);
            $string9 = str_replace('\"', '"', $string8);

            $arrayok[$i] = $string9;


        $ccp = implode(' ', $arrayok);

        return $ccp;
  • Because he was saved in the bank this way \'Gurizinha\'s\'? What was the problem with the bank? extremely do not recommend to make a Gambi these but if necessary we can help... but surely it would be better to fix the problem of the bank instead of creating a function of these.

  • He used an incorrectly configured javascript text editor (Javascript Swing) and he is doing so with all the inserted text. Since he already has over 1200 ID’s in the bank.

  • Check the Javascript Swing configuration, and let us know, because depending, a simple text editor can reverse this.

  • I will post an answer containing the code responsible for saving to the bank. The error should be in it and not in the editor. Sorry.

  • Is recorded data javascript code? Can you post more examples? Text always starts and ends with quotation marks? Because the first quotation marks are necessary and the others not? We need a deterministic means to know which quotes are "necessary" and which ones are not.

  • Really, it should be in itself :) I found it strange a text editor to do this...

  • 2

    @user Do not include an answer, edit the question.

  • this is the code the data goes through when clicking save. it saves a text like a blog that may or may not contain HTML. default:&#xA; $consulta .= '\'' . db_entrada($valor) . '\', ';&#xA; break;

  • I believe the right thing would be: default: $consulta .= "'".db_entrada($valor)."'",'; break;

  • Could post the full code to record?

  • As a newbie, stackoverflow is not allowing me to post the entire code or create a new answer.

  • 1

    I edited the question and entered the code you enter in the bank.

  • This looks like the kind of problems that Magic Quotes cause.

  • Edited question.

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5 answers


An alternative way is to select the records you want to fix.


 ROUND (   
            - LENGTH( REPLACE ( campo, '\'', '') ) 
        ) / LENGTH('\'')        
    ) AS count



ROUND (   
            - LENGTH( REPLACE ( campo, '\'', '') ) 
        ) / LENGTH('\'')        
) % 2 = 1

In this example, the query will return all that have single quote (') and the sum of its occurrences by Row, and the amount of occurrences must be odd number.

What is the logic of doing this?

If there are odd numbers, there are probably occurrences like 'Gurizinha’s\'.

With this, it would eliminate the need to look at a good part of the results. For all other results with resulting sum in pairs, just apply a general replace, replacing the escaped single quote with a double quote without the escape character.

It still won’t solve 100%, but at least you’ll have a list of all the Rows Ids that need to be fixed.

There are other ways with REGEXP, however, there is no way to use REGEXP with REPLACE. You would have to use a UDF. But I think you can solve it in a simpler way without needing Udfs.

  • Very good Logic. I will try applying studying UDF.


In case your question is not PHP oriented, but Mysql.

But come on:

Run the query by replacing the name of your table and your column

UPDATE sua_tabela
SET sua_coluna = REPLACE(sua_coluna, "\\'", '"')
WHERE sua_coluna LIKE "%\'%"


Look up regular expressions with PHP, I’m not experienced with them yet, but I believe the example below solves your problem:

    function ModificarTXT($str)
        // Pego toda palavra que começa com \' e substituo por "
        $string = ereg_replace("^([/\'])", '"',$str);

        //Pego toda palavra que termina com \' e substituo por "
        $string = ereg_replace("([/\'])$", '"',$string);
        return $string;

    echo ModificarTXT("\'Gurizinha\'s\'"); // Teste da funcao
  • I believe that the problem would not be to remove the simple quotes, but the author is having difficulty to express the problem, read the comments of the question.

  • Thanks. has already made a different effect. the result was the following: \'Valentine\'s Day\"

  • Thank you very much. I used part of your code to create a function that solved part of my problem.


The problem is in your connection with the bank.

Use PDO that your information will be stored exactly the way it went, without having to remove or replace special characters, quotes, etc. And when you recover, it will be the same way you entered it. PDO also accepts parameterized statements (Preparement Statement) that will protect you from SQL injections.

To connect:

// Dados da conexão
$host = 'localhost';
$port = '3306';
$user = 'root';
$pass = '123456';
$dbname = 'meubanco'

// Configuração para garantir a codificação correta caso esteja usando utf8
$config = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8");

// Realiza a conexão
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;port=$port;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass, $config);

Example of parameterized INSERT:

// Recebe variáveis
$codigo = $_POST['codigo'];
$nome = $_POST['nome'];

// Define a query usando '?' no lugar das variáveis
$query = "INSERT INTO table1 (codigo, nome) VALUES (?,?)";

// Prepara
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);

// Seta os parametros definidos como '?' na query de acordo com a ordem
$stmt->bindValue(1, $codigo, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(2, $nome, PDO::PARAM_STR);

// Executa query

// Pega o total de linhas afetadas
$total = $stmt->rowCount();

// Verifica se inseriu
if( $total > 0 )
    echo "Inseriu!";
    echo "Não Inseriu!";

Example of parameterized SELECT:

// Recebe variáveis
$codigo_minimo = $_POST['codigo_minimo'];

// Define a query usando '?' no lugar das variáveis
$query = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE codigo > ?)";

// Prepara
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);

// Seta os parametros definidos como '?' na query de acordo com a ordem
$stmt->bindValue(1, $codigo_minimo, PDO::PARAM_INT);

// Executa query

// Muda de acesso as colunas para o modo pelo nome

// Usando fetchAll você pega todos resultados em um array
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();


var_dump($result) would print something like this:

array (size=3)
   0 => array (size=2)
       'codigo' => 1
       'nome' => "bla bla bla"
   1 => array (size=2)
       'codigo' => 2
       'nome' => "ble ble ble"
   2 => array (size=2)
       'codigo' => 3
       'nome' => "blu blu blu"

To disconnect:

// basta setar como NULL

For more information on how to use PDO, access this link.

  • Opa, very good. Thanks. I will take some time to adapt the system from the same to PDO. But I’ve already started. So adapt the same complete to PDO put the result here.

  • Make the module adaptation. Create a connection class in PDO. Choose a class, the simplest one to start, and change it. After that, whenever you can modify a persistence class and keep changing. :)

  • I first need to learn how it works to be able to apply. The material I have is still few. More I’m already running behind.


Use a regular expression to replace ' by " at the beginning and end of whole words:

preg_replace_callback('/(?<=\s|\t|\r|\n| )(\'.+\')(?=\s|\t|\r|\n|\.|,| )/muU', function($match) {
    return '"' . substr($match[0], 1, -1) . '"';
}, $x);

You can use this function (udf) to replace all records that are already in the database:

REGEXP_REPLACE(col, '/(?<=\s|\t|\r|\n| )\'(?=.*\'[\s\t\r\n\., ])/', '"');
REGEXP_REPLACE(col, '/(?<=[\s|\t|\r|\n| ]\'.*)\'(?=[\s\t\r\n\., ])/', '"');

Or create a script to select and update all columns:

$rows = $dbh->query("SELECT id, col FROM tabela")->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE tabela SET col = ? WHERE id = ?");
foreach($rows as $row) {
    $str = preg_replace_callback('/(?<=\s|\t|\r|\n| )(\'.+\')(?=\s|\t|\r|\n|\.|,| )/muU', function($match) {
       return '"' . substr($match[0], 1, -1) . '"';
    }, $row['col']);
    if($str == $row['col']) continue;
    $sth->execute(array( $str, $row['id'] ));
  • Opa, very good. Thanks. I will take some time to adapt the system from the same to PDO. But I’ve already started. So adapt the same complete to PDO put the result here.

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