Get the path of a commit files with Libgit2sharp


Viewed 86 times


How to get the file path of my last commit? I have this example method:

private static void RepoListFiles()
    if (!arguments.ContainsKey("repository"))
        Error("O repositório ainda não foi informado.");

    using (repo)
        if (repo.Head.Commits.Count() < 1)
            Error("Nenhum Commit existente.");

        Commit commit = repo.Commits.First();

        Tree tree = repo.Lookup<Commit>(commit.Sha).Tree;

        Console.WriteLine("\nSha: " + commit.Sha);
        if (commit.Author.Name != "Unknow") Console.WriteLine("Autor: " + commit.Author.Name);
        if (commit.Committer.Name != "Unknow") Console.WriteLine("Commiter: " + commit.Committer.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("Data: " + commit.Author.When); //Commit-Date
        Console.WriteLine("Mensagem: " + commit.Message);
        arquivos = new List<string>();
        /*foreach (TreeEntry treeEntry in tree)
            Console.WriteLine("Path: "   + treeEntry.Path);
            Console.WriteLine("Name: "   + treeEntry.Name);

        foreach (string file in arquivos)



static void CompareTrees()
    using (repo)
        Tree commitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Tree;
        Tree parentCommitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Parents.Single().Tree;

        var changes = repo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(parentCommitTree, commitTree);

        TreeEntryChanges treeEntryChanges = changes.Single(c => c.Path == "1.txt");

        var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(parentCommitTree, commitTree);


Execução do programa

But the exit doesn’t bring me all the way.

Structure of the directory

| - octocat.txt
| - parentoctocat.txt
| - /outros
| | - octocatblue.txt
| | - octored.txt

In my commit has only the files c:/teste/outros/octored.txt and c:/teste/outros/octocatblue.txt added.

But on output comes all the files.

How do I get only the files added to my commit:


Note: I already managed to get the full path of the file. However I only need the files I added to commit as $ git add outros/octocatblue.txt.

2 answers


Apparently it’s comparing the previous commit tree to the current one. Here I found a fixture used in the project to test two trees that can help:

    public void CanCompareACommitTreeAgainstItsParent()
        var path = SandboxStandardTestRepoGitDir();
        using (var repo = new Repository(path))
            Tree commitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Tree;
            Tree parentCommitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Parents.Single().Tree;

            var changes = repo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(parentCommitTree, commitTree);

            Assert.Equal(1, changes.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, changes.Added.Count());

            TreeEntryChanges treeEntryChanges = changes.Single(c => c.Path == "1.txt");

            var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(parentCommitTree, commitTree);

            Assert.Equal("1.txt", treeEntryChanges.Path);
            Assert.Equal(ChangeKind.Added, treeEntryChanges.Status);

            Assert.Equal(treeEntryChanges, changes.Added.Single());

            Assert.Equal(Mode.Nonexistent, treeEntryChanges.OldMode);
  • So man, I don’t know much about C#, this "Assert object" doesn’t have in my project, it must be something from their test. That 1.txt is the file he’s comparing?

  • I updated my code and print there on the question. I couldn’t test this "example" because I didn’t understand it, I don’t know if this 1.txt is the file being compared, or if it is the file from where it stores the result.

  • @Kaduamaral Assert is a set of sets for comparison. It is used to write unit tests. 1.txt is any file he has versioned and is checking for changes.


The reply of the Gypsy answers my question, but she was very confused for me and I had to do a lot of research to understand her, taking into account that I am still learning and the library . That’s why I’m posting the raw solution.

I created a method that compares the trees by taking the Commit leading:

Tree commitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Tree;

And another Commit:

Tree parentCommitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Parents.Single().Tree;

And comparing the difference:

var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(parentCommitTree, commitTree);

Walking through this gap foreach (var ptc in patch) I get the way ptc.Path and the status ptc.Status (Added, Renamed, Deleted, Modified, etc...).


static void CompareTrees()
    using (repo)
        Tree commitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Tree; // Arvore principal
        Tree parentCommitTree = repo.Head.Tip.Parents.Single().Tree; // Arvore anerior

        var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(parentCommitTree, commitTree); // Diferênça

        foreach (var ptc in patch)
            Console.WriteLine(ptc.Status +" -> "+ptc.Path); // Status -> Caminho do arquivo
  • Why did you mark my answer as accepted? Your answer is better.

  • 1

    @Gypsy omorrisonmendez I answered after I had already accepted and has a minimum time for you to accept it

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