Hostings that use JSP


Viewed 107 times


I have a linux web hosting I put all my systems in PHP, and now I need to work with the extension (*.JSP) and I have some doubts

  • What type of host I use to run JSP?
  • Cpanel runs JSP automatically?
  • What I need to do to run JSP and PHP on the same server?
  • 1

    Your question may be closed because you do not comply with the terms of the website (based on opinions). But I recommend Tegrator.

1 answer


I do not know if I understood your question correctly, and I will try to give an objective answer, neutral and not based on opinions. But I confess that this is not one of the best answers that could be given.

What type of host I use to run JSP?

You can use Tomcat, Jboss, Glassfish, or any other container for Servlets and JSP.

Cpanel runs JSP automatically?

I think so. Maybe you can see more here: - I am not going to go into more detail about this, because I have no knowledge of it.

What I need to do to run JSP and PHP on the same server?

Just put the two to run on the same server. However, they should be on different TCP ports. A simple way to do this would be to run PHP on port 80 and your Servlets/JSP server on port 8080, for example.

In case you need everything at door 80, you can:

  • Utilise server side includes, which allows you to even mix the content generated by JSP and PHP on the same page, although this is not a simple task.

  • Place some proxy service (e.g., Apache) on your server at port 80 and use it to redirect requests to PHP or JSP at any criteria. JSP would be running on a port other than 80. PHP could be running inside Apache itself (or not).

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