I am implementing a class that represents an array using template and dynamic allocation. However, when the +(addition) operator was overloaded, the following build error occurred (only when I try to add the objects the error occurs).
template<typename T>
Matriz<T> Matriz<T>::operator+(const Matriz<T> & sum)
if(linha != sum.linha || coluna != sum.coluna)
throw std::domain_error("The number of rows and columns must be equal");
Matriz<T> temp(linha, coluna);
for(size_t i = 0; i < linha ; i++)
for(size_t j = 0; j < coluna; j++)
temp[i][j] = ptr[i][j] + sum[i][j];
return temp;
Matrix. h
template<typename T>
class Matriz
//sobrecarga dos operadores padrão de entrada e saida
friend std::ostream &operator<< <T>(std::ostream &, const Matriz<T> &);
friend std::istream &operator>> <T>(std::istream &, Matriz<T> &);
//construtor. Pode atirar a exceção bad_alloc.
explicit Matriz(const size_t = 0, const size_t = 0);
virtual ~Matriz();
//construtor da copia. Pode atirar a exceção bad_alloc
explicit Matriz(const Matriz<T> &);
//Move constructor
explicit Matriz(Matriz<T> &&);
T & at(const size_t, const size_t);
T at(const size_t, const size_t) const;
T* operator[](const size_t);
const T * const operator[](const size_t ) const;
Matriz<T> operator+(const Matriz<T> &);
//sobrecarga do operador de atribuição. Pode atirar a exceção bad_alloc
const Matriz<T> &operator=(const Matriz<T> &);
const Matriz<T> &operator=(Matriz<T> &&);
//retorna true somente se todos os elementos das matrizes
//forem iguais. Se não retorna false.
bool operator==(const Matriz<T> &) const;
//retorna true se as matriz forem iguais se não retorna false
bool operator!=(const Matriz<T> &a) const
return !(*this == a);
T ** ptr;
size_t linha;
size_t coluna;
Copy builder:
template<typename T>
Matriz<T>::Matriz(const Matriz<T> &a)
:linha(a.linha), coluna(a.coluna)
if(a.ptr != nullptr)
ptr = new T *[linha];
size_t i;
try // aloca espaço para a matriz
for(i = 0; i < coluna ; i++)
ptr[i] = new T[coluna];
catch(...) // caso não acha espaço
for(size_t j = 0; j < i ; j++)
delete [] ptr;
throw std::bad_alloc();
for(size_t i = 0; i < linha ; i++) // copia os elementos
for(size_t j = 0; j < coluna; j++)
ptr[i][j] = a.ptr[i][j];
}//fim do if
linha = 0;
coluna = 0;
ptr = nullptr;
One case where the error occurs is the following code:
Matriz<int> matriz1;
Matriz<int> matriz2;
matriz1 + matriz2;
You came to implement the copy builder?
– Luiz Vieira
Yes, I implemented the copy builder. Could it be causing the error somehow ? I’m trying to solve this ten yesterday, but I’m not having much success =/. I will edit the question and I will put everything you are implementing in the class. I have tested the methods and found not even a problem.
– Augusto
I imagine so, given that the mistake seems to happen just in him ("in matching" seems to indicate that it has not found the appropriate copy builder).
– Luiz Vieira
(educated Guess here): you tried taking out the
copy builder? Maybe the difficulty is there. More info here and here– Luiz Vieira
You’re right. I removed Explicit and it’s code worked. Thank you very much for the help, I guess I would never think that the problem could be Explicit. I didn’t even remember that he was there to tell the truth. Thank you very much.
– Augusto
Good that it was this. : ) I put as an answer then.
– Luiz Vieira