Cordova/Phonegap - WP8 - Problems loading external images(URL)


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I’m having trouble with the Cordova/Phonegap with WP8.

If you try to create a page and upload an image from the internet (<img> with URL) WP8 does not display the image, only when the image is in the folder /www. I need to know what to do to solve this because on iOS and Android platforms loading normally takes place.

Does anyone know how to solve?

1 answer


Usually, for you to have access to external images through the tag img make sure you put

<access origin="*" />

in the archive config.xml

Already in the case of img in local folder, on Android and iOS it recognizes, folders usually without the need to put the path from the root www, but in some cases as with audio files it needs to put the complete path.



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