
Viewed 190 times


Can anyone help me out here? Destructor problem.

(UP) I think I found the problem, I will comment on the code:

If anyone can give me some tips on good practice in this code, please!

Kript::Kript(const char* novoTexto)
    texto_size = strlen(novoTexto); // * essa linha mudei para (strlen(novoTexto)+1)*
    texto = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*texto_size);
    strcpy(texto, novoTexto);       // *pois aqui strcpy copia novoTexto + '\0'*
    kripted_txt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texto_size);

void Kript::Enkrip()
    file = fopen("KRIPTED.txt", "w");
    if (file == NULL)
        std::cout << "ERRO AO ABRIR ARQUIVO";
        int* EOF_POINT = kripted_txt;
        for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < texto_size; i++, j = 0)
            if (j > KEY_SIZE)
                j = 0;
            kripted_txt[i] = texto[i] * key[j];
         EOF_POINT--;      //<- adicionado, pois EOF estava sendo adicionado...
                           //...Fora do espaco alocado

        *EOF_POINT = EOF;  // agora sim
        EOF_POINT = kripted_txt;

        while (*EOF_POINT != EOF)
            fprintf(file, "%d", *EOF_POINT);
            if (*EOF_POINT != EOF)
                fprintf(file, " ");




  • Your code is C++ but you still use malloc and char*? Why not use streams and strings to solve the problem?

  • You’re right, alias already changed from malloc and free, to new and delete, but I haven’t practiced the use of Std::string,

1 answer


Your code has few elements of c++ it is practically using only c. You should try to replace the use of the arrays with Std::string and also use the class for handling fstream header files. This will already make your code clearer and with a lower chance of errors.

A modification that would already help a little, for example, serious change the constructor to the following


Kript::Kript(const std::string & novoTexto)

Using Std::string you will not need to worry about memory allocation at all times and you will also not need to keep saving the size of the string, because Std::string knows its own size by the size() method. Take a look at reference c/c++ you were probably able to make the modifications and the problem of your code had disappeared.

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