how to change right browser cursor and scrollbar


Viewed 436 times


How to change mouse cursor and right scroll bar because I did many searches and all cursor with default tag example of the code:

cursor: pointer;

and not and so wanted a cursor as on this site for example clear that will not be the same =3:

and also the scroll bar that I have no idea how to change it.

2 answers


The cursor you can change using the property cursor specifying an image. Example:

elemento {

It is always good to give a second argument, so that when the image is not loaded, the next cursor is called:

elemento {
    cursor:url(, default;

Demo at Jsfiddle:

On the scroll bar, nay it is recommended to change it, since this is not in the W3C standards. The most you can achieve is changing the scrollbar in one or two browsers, and still using a lot of CSS lines (which will result in useless data for users who do not use these browsers).

I think a solution using Javascript is cool, but the idea itself is not good. You can read more about it in other similar questions:


cursor: url('seu_cursor_personalizado.cur'), apontar;

As for the scrollbar, take a look at this topic from here at stackoverflow: How to make a Custom Scrollbar?

  • I’ll test this right now plus I saved with extension . cur ??

  • It doesn’t have to be a . cur no, it can be another type of image. At the end of this link page, you have a table with browser support:

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