In ASP.NET projects the file 5 project.json
contains some important project data such as dependencies on other packages. It turns out that this file has a "frameworks" section that in projects created in VS is as follows:
"frameworks": {
"dnx451": { },
"dnxcore50": { }
Now I don’t understand exactly what that means. I know that there are now different versions of CLR that can be used, there is . NET full and has the CLR Core which is lighter. But in this section it has basically "dnx451" and "dnxcore50" and I didn’t quite understand it.
My understanding is this: the idea is to have a section in which for each Runtime in which the project can run it is possible to give specific settings? So for example, by putting "dnx451" I’m defining that the project can run on . Complete NET and by putting "dnxcore50" I am defining that the project can also run on Core CLR?
And then in the objects corresponding to "dnx451" and "dnxcore50" the idea is to put specific settings for when the application runs in this Runtime? For example, dependencies that should be considered only when using one of the two?