Good Morning staff I need a help from you in my college project I am doing a stock system with 4 layers, I have a form that is registration company where user company that the user wishes to work, when I enter the system I choose the company that the user wants to work at the moment, as I do for the data to be of that company, for example company A I will have the stock movements of company A, when choosing company B I will have the movements of company B made the screen
public frmSelEmpUsuaria()
private void frmSelEmpUsuaria_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void CarregaEmpresaUsuaria()
IList<EmpresaUsuariaDTO> listaEmpresaUsuaria = new List<EmpresaUsuariaDTO>();
listaEmpresaUsuaria = new EmpresaUsuariaModel().ListaEmpresa();
dgvEmpresaUsuaria.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dgvEmpresaUsuaria.DataSource = listaEmpresaUsuaria;
catch (Exception erro)
private void btnConfirmar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Não sei o codigo que vai no botão
private void btnCancelar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public IList<EmpresaUsuariaDTO> ListaEmpresa()
SqlConnection CON = new SqlConnection();
CON.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.csSistemaEstoque;
SqlCommand CM = new SqlCommand();
CM.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
CM.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tbEmpresaUsuaria";
CM.Connection = CON;
SqlDataReader ER;
IList<EmpresaUsuariaDTO> ListaEmpresa = new List<EmpresaUsuariaDTO>();
ER = CM.ExecuteReader();
if (ER.HasRows)
while (ER.Read())
EmpresaUsuariaDTO empresaUsu = new EmpresaUsuariaDTO();
empresaUsu.Codigo = Convert.ToInt32(ER["cod_emp"]);
empresaUsu.DataCadastro = Convert.ToDateTime(ER["dtInclusao_emp"]);
empresaUsu.NomeRazao = Convert.ToString(ER["razao_emp"]);
empresaUsu.NomeFantasia = Convert.ToString(ER["nomeFant_emp"]);
empresaUsu.CpfCnpj = Convert.ToString(ER["cnpj_emp"]);
empresaUsu.RgInscricao = Convert.ToString(ER["inscEst_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Endereco = Convert.ToString(ER["endereco_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Numero = Convert.ToString(ER["numero_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Complemento = Convert.ToString(ER["compl_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Bairro = Convert.ToString(ER["bairro_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Cidade = Convert.ToString(ER["cidade_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Uf = Convert.ToString(ER["uf_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Cep = Convert.ToString(ER["cep_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Telefone = Convert.ToString(ER["tel_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Tel2 = Convert.ToString(ER["tel2_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Email = Convert.ToString(ER["email_emp"]);
empresaUsu.Site = Convert.ToString(ER["site_emp"]);
empresaUsu.EndLogo = Convert.ToString(ER["endLogo_emp"]);
return ListaEmpresa;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Someone could give me a boost?
One option is to have a database for each company. When to choose
empresa A
connects with thebanco A
the same with theempresa B
– rubStackOverflow