MD5 is passing checks


Viewed 91 times


I have a problem when I use MD5 in my passwords, I have verification:

    exit('<div class="alert alert-danger margin-top15">&raquo; A <b>senha</b> é necessária e não pode ser vazia.</div>');

    exit('<div class="alert alert-danger margin-top15">&raquo; <b>Confirmar a senha</b> é necessário e não pode ser vazio.</div>');        

When I use this in my variable:

$regPassword        = trim(strip_tags(md5($_POST['regPassword'])));
$regConfirmpass     = trim(strip_tags(md5($_POST['regConfirmpass'])));

The check doesn’t work someone knows why?

Complete code in: Here

  • 1

    Doesn’t work like? Here it worked by putting the same password.

  • It does not work to check if the user leaves the registration empty password field anyway.

  • 1

    It turns out that the function md5 will generate a hash in the same way, however it is a hash of an empty string.

  • 2

    trim and strip_tags are unnecessary in your code because the md5 will not return white spaces or tags

  • I withdrew and even so continues registering even leaving the input empty password, removed the md5 and the check worked, This weird I want it to work with MD5

  • You are checking before or after applying md5?

  • After applying md5 in the method $_POST

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1 answer


The function md5 generates a HASH, This is done with mathematical calculations on top of the string past. In case is generating a HASH and checking if it’s empty, sort of like this:

// md5('') == d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (string)

You need to check the user-informed variable:

    exit('<div class="alert alert-danger margin-top15">&raquo; A <b>senha</b> é necessária e não pode ser vazia.</div>');

    exit('<div class="alert alert-danger margin-top15">&raquo; <b>Confirmar a senha</b> é necessário e não pode ser vazio.</div>');        
  • You solved my problem, but why did yours work and mine didn’t? I had already done exactly the same as you before.

  • 1

    Then I don’t know @Guilhermealves, I would have to see the code you made before to know... Need we are there... ;)

  • All right, I posted on Pastebin the code! Thanks a lot.

  • @Guilhermealves, you need to check the $_POST before to use the md5.

  • @Rafaelalmeida I have already solved with the answer of the Kaduamaral. but Thank you for trying to help me Rafael Almeida...

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