Error when running implementation test


Viewed 114 times


2 answers


Dude, run the commands below in sequence

bundle install
rm -rf .bundle vendor/bundle
bundle install --deployment

First install Bundle locally, then remove compiled ones, and install Gems in the application again.

If you need to upload the compiled ones to the repository, remember to remove these folders from the . gitignore file at the root of the application.

If an error occurs when you run "Bundle install", state which ones.



I think you should run Bundle install(or update) locally (on your pc), as the error in the build suggests, so the bundler will update Gemfile.lock. Commit and push after.

In Travis' documentation it says:

If a Gemfile.lock exists in your project’s root directory, we add the --Deployment flag.

However in your build it asks to run Bundle install, but you have Gemfile.lock and it will not run Bundle install on Travis CI.

  • I had already followed the suggestions through the error, however, there are no changes and the error always persists.

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