How to find the mean by the number of vectors filled?


Viewed 231 times


I need to calculate the average of a vector, but considering only those that had the fields filled.

For example:


<label for="Cmes222">Valor:</label>
<input type="text" id="Cmes222" name="Tmes222"><br>
<label for="Cmes444">Valor:</label>
<input type="text" id="Cmes444" name="Tmes444"><br>
<label for="Cmes666">Valor:</label>
<input type="text" id="Cmes666" name="Tmes666"><br>
<label for="Cmes888">Valor:</label>
<input type="text" id="Cmes888" name="Tmes888"><br>


$salbasetar[0] = $_POST ["Tmes222"]; 
$salbasetar[1] = $_POST ["Tmes444"];
$salbasetar[2] = $_POST ["Tmes666"];
$salbasetar[3] = $_POST ["Tmes888"];

$salbasetarm = ($salbasetar[0] + $salbasetar[1] + $salbasetar[2] + $salbasetar[3]) / 4;

So instead of 4, I want to divide by the number of vectors that have been filled out. I’ve done a lot of research, but nothing has worked. I think we should be able to do count or foreach, but I couldn’t do it... someone could give an example?

  • See if this question the help.

  • This might work too, but I found one in this other Soen topic: Thanks for the tip.

1 answer


I found the answer in this question soen.

Basically, what worked was:

$result = count(array_filter($salbasetar));

$salbasetarm = ($salbasetar[0] + $salbasetar[1] + $salbasetar[2] + $salbasetar[3]) / $result;

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