Error 505 when installing Google Play App on Lollipop


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I’m a developer and I’m having trouble installing an app in the Lollipop version.

I did some research and I believe it’s a duplicity error Packages, ie have two Apps calling the same package (but not sure), this is part of my code. Both app has the same permission: android:name="br.exemplogcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE.

    android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="br.exemplogcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />

I have two apps, and both use the package br.exemplogcm. Is this what’s going wrong? I don’t have the Lollipop version, so it’s hard to test.

1 answer


In fact, you cannot have two applications that request the same signed permission.

You can check in your Logcat the following error when trying to install the application, if you have opportunity to test on a device with Lollipop:

Error -505 while Installing : INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION: Package attempting to redeclare permission .permission.C2D_MESSAGE already owned by...

  • and in the case of <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> Do I have to change too? Many apps use the same package name. I tried to rename that package, but it still misses, perhaps because of other packages like the INTERNET. This is a bug of 5.0, or is it something definitive of Lollipop? Is this fixed in versions 5.1 and 5.2? To resolve I will have to change the package name even from the internet?

  • This case does not apply. The error refers to the duplicity of signed permission, in the case of C2D_MESSAGE. For example, another case that would apply is MAPS_RECEIVE, which also requires a signed permission.

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