Filter and save to csv


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I would like to perform a filter on R. I have a database with 5 variables and more than 5000 lines. One of my variables is "room", in which I have 29 room (ex:Sala1,sala2...).

I would like to perform a filter, to filter all the information that it contains in my database for a particular room, and then export this information in a csv file.

I even made a program, but it is not storing right in a csv file. I would like someone to give me a tip for better my code and/or help me solve this storage problem. Below follows my code.

dados=read.csv("C:/teste/dados.csv", sep=";",header=TRUE) 
x2=subset(nome,sala=="(T2/14/EI) D01 - Diversidade e Cultura Inclusiva")
x3=subset(perfil,sala=="(T2/14/EI) D01 - Diversidade e Cultura Inclusiva")
x6=subset(sala,sala=="(T2/14/EI) D01 - Diversidade e Cultura Inclusiva")
x7=subset(forum,sala=="(T2/14/EI) D01 - Diversidade e Cultura Inclusiva")
x10=subset(mensagem,sala=="(T2/14/EI) D01 - Diversidade e Cultura Inclusiva")
cat("nome;perfil;sala;forum;mensagem", dados1, file="arquivo.csv", sep="\n",header=T)
  • What is the current code behavior?

  • So Jjoao he is even performing the filtering properly, but when I ask to store in a csv file, he is storing everything "messy".

  • What code are you using to generate . csv? Is your data.frame when you write . csv correct? I recommend using the command: write.csv(seuDataFrame, file = "seusDados.csv") to generate . csv from a dataframe

  • I’m using this: data1=Paste(x2,X3,X6,X7,X10,Sep=";") cat("name;profile;room;forum;message", data1, file="file.csv", Sep=" n",header=T). I didn’t know that command, I’ll try to use

  • It is worth taking a look at this question also on ways to filter a data.frame:

1 answer


To save in the formed CSV to use the write.csv2() (and to read, read.csv2()). Besides, you can use the subset() in a data.frame, greatly simplify your code:

dados <- read.csv2("C:/teste/dados.csv", header=TRUE)
write.csv2(subset(dados, sala == "(T2/14/EI) D01 - Diversidade e Cultura Inclusiva"), "arquivo.csv",  row.names = FALSE)

The parameter row.names = FALSE serves to take the column with the number of the row (I personally think it only disturbs)

  • Thank you very much, thank you very much! You have helped my life so much.

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