Inserting data into SQL


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Hello would like to know how I can change code of area 1 of insert using the foreach($nome as $cod => $value) other than the code of area 2 I’m unable to make an adaptation by changing the mode of insert of Code 2 in such a way that foreach($nome as $cod => $value) work.

Code 1

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `episodios` SET `nome`='".$_POST["nome"]."',`media`='".$_POST["media"]."',`tamanho`='".$_POST["tamanho"]."',`tipo`='".$_POST["tipo"]."'")

Code 2

$nome = $_POST['nomes'];
$anime = $_POST['animes'];
$tamanho = $_POST['tamanhos'];
$tipo = $_POST['tipo'];

foreach($nome as $cod => $value){
$sql = "insert into episodios (id,nome,anime,tamanho,tipo) values ('','$nome[$cod]','$anime[$cod]','$tamanho[$cod]','$tipo')";
$consulta = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
if($consulta) {
echo "<br/><center><div id=\"Aviso_ok\">Episodio Cadastrado com Sucesso</div></center><br/>";
echo "<br/><center><div id=\"Aviso_erro\">Erro ao Cadastrar o Episodio</div></center><br/>";}
  • 1

    What’s the problem? What you can’t do?

  • I don’t understand the doubt either.

  • I want to use in the case the foreach($name the $Cod => $value) in the code 1 only I’m not sure how to do the Adptation

  • It’s the same instead of $_POST["nome"] you use the $nome[$cod]

  • Minutes thanks for the help

  • 1

    beware of sqlinjection.

  • Only one thing besides having that by so $name[Cod] I have to put in case the $name = $_POST['names']; and the other post values in code 1 since I will replace the $_POST[' ']; at the beginning of code 1 for the post values to be applied ?

  • Yes that’s what it is

  • Look like @Ruilima said you have to be careful with SQL Injection. You should wear mysqli_ instead of mysql_ and use Prepared statements.

  • Okay that there in case avoids the use of havij ?

  • You can still use it to test...

  • Just one more question when it is applied that $name[$Cod] in the code applies the value of $_POST["name"] taken from the right array ? Ai in this case would act as a definition in Where ex Where name='." $name[$Cod]". 'so do ai in the example sort items at least name since it is inside the foreach loop($name as $Cod => $value){ } of the code in question ?

  • In this case $Select2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM listas WHERE nome='".name[Cod]". '"); $dads2 = mysql_fetch_array($Select2);

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1 answer


To generate a single INSERT, which inserts all records at once, you need an sql in this format:

INSERT INTO tabela(numero) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)

That amounts to this:

INSERT INTO tabela(numero) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO tabela(numero) VALUES (2);
INSERT INTO tabela(numero) VALUES (10);

For this, use a logic similar to this:

$valores = range( 1 , 10 );
$sql = sprintf( 'INSERT INTO tabela(numero) VALUES (%s)', implode( '), (' , $valores ) );

You will generate a single INSERT, leaving the system much faster

See more in this article:

Your system has two other problems: SQL Injection and mysql.

  1. To protect yourself SQL Injection account, see:

  2. mysql_* functions are obsolete since PHP 5.5. Prefer to use Mysqli or PDO. See more here:

  • No and well that I asked more in any case I will be marking the answer as accepted by the fact that you have passed useful tutorials to me already thank.

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