How to use @Html.Radiobutton, how to send the selected option to the controller?


Viewed 10,463 times


I’m trying to send the selected option of Radiobutton to the controller, I’ve tried to do several ways, I’ve searched several places and I don’t have a solution. Thanks


@model List<SistemaMobile.Models.cliente>

    ViewBag.Title = "";

@using (Html.BeginForm())
   <fieldset data-role="controlgroup">

      <input type="radio"  name="@Html.RadioButton("nome", "Nome", true)" id="radio-choice-v-2a"  value="1"  >
      <label for="radio-choice-v-2a">Seu Nome</label>
      <input type="radio"  name="@Html.RadioButton("pai", "Pai", true)" id="radio-choice-v-2b"  value="1"  >
      <label for="radio-choice-v-2b">Nome do Pai</label>
      <input type="radio"  name="@Html.RadioButton("mae", "Mae", true)" id="radio-choice-v-2c"  value="1"  >
      <label for="radio-choice-v-2c">Nome da Mãe</label>
        <label for="search">Localizar:</label>
        <input type="search" name="search1" id="pesquisa" placeholder="buscar registro...">

     <input id="enviar" type="submit" value="Localizar"  data-icon="grid" data-iconpos="right"  data-theme="e">


  <ul data-role="listview" data-autodividers="true" data-inset="true" data-theme="e">

      @if (Model.Count() > 0)
         foreach (var item in Model)
            <li><a href="@Url.Action("AtualizaCliente", "ConsultaCliente", new { id = item.idcliente })">@Html.DisplayFor(c => item.nome) </a></li> 
        <label>Você não tem dados cadastrados.</label>


    public ActionResult Index(string recebeNome, int recebeOpcao)
            sistema_mobileEntities dao = new sistema_mobileEntities();
            IQueryable<cliente> sql;
            sql = null;

            if (recebeOpcao == 1)
                sql = from c in dao.cliente
                      where c.nome.StartsWith(recebeNome.Trim())
                      select c;
                TempData["opcao1"] = "nome";
            return View(sql.ToList());

        catch (Exception ex)
             TempData["Erro"] = "Erro na gravação dos dados " + ex.Message;

        return View();


3 answers


If your problem is just sending the selected value to the Controller, just change the part of your RadioButton. I think you just mixed it up HTML with Helpers.

But this part in your View:

<fieldset data-role="controlgroup">

      <input type="radio"  name="@Html.RadioButton("nome", "Nome", true)" id="radio-choice-v-2a"  value="1"  >
      <label for="radio-choice-v-2a">Seu Nome</label>
      <input type="radio"  name="@Html.RadioButton("pai", "Pai", true)" id="radio-choice-v-2b"  value="1"  >
      <label for="radio-choice-v-2b">Nome do Pai</label>
      <input type="radio"  name="@Html.RadioButton("mae", "Mae", true)" id="radio-choice-v-2c"  value="1"  >
      <label for="radio-choice-v-2c">Nome da Mãe</label>


You change to this:

<fieldset data-role="controlgroup">

        <input type="radio" name="recebeOpcao" id="radio-choice-v-2a" value="1">
        <label for="radio-choice-v-2a">Seu Nome</label>
        <input type="radio" name="recebeOpcao" id="radio-choice-v-2b" value="2">
        <label for="radio-choice-v-2b">Nome do Pai</label>
        <input type="radio" name="recebeOpcao" id="radio-choice-v-2c" value="3">
        <label for="radio-choice-v-2c">Nome da Mãe</label>


Thus the value selected in each RadioButton with the name="recebeOpcao"will be passing to your Controller and you can work with him.

  • I spent two days trying to figure out the best way to send View parameters to the Controller I tried many solutions I spent hours in the forum, and with your answer I could observe that it is possible to pass any "name" property of an HTML to the controller in a very simple way. What I’m surprised at is that I’m sure a lot of other people knew that and walked past this pole without saying a word. The more I am very grateful to learn this, I’m sure it will be a great differential for me.

  • @itasouza It’s not really a question of not having spoken. It is often difficult to understand what the AP is needing. I understood why I’ve had this same doubt.



You can use it too, like this:

                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="input-field col s3">
                            <label for="imp_tx_tipo">TIPO:</label>
                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="input-field col s3">

                                    @{string FAX = ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId("FAX");}
                                    @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.imp_tx_tipo, "FAX", new { id = FAX, name = "imp_tx_tipo", value = "FAX",@class="with-gap"})
                                    <label for="FAX">FAX</label>
                                    @{string USB = ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId("USB");}
                                    @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.imp_tx_tipo, "USB", new { id = USB, name = "imp_tx_tipo", value = "USB", @class = "with-gap" })
                                    <label for="USB">USB</label>
                                    @{string REDE = ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId("REDE");}
                                    @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.imp_tx_tipo, "REDE", new { id = REDE, name = "imp_tx_tipo", value = "REDE", @class = "with-gap" })
                                    <label for="REDE">REDE</label>
                                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.imp_tx_tipo, "", new { @class = "red-text text-darken-2" })



Or do for the upgrade:


//perform search by my type data private void viewbag_imp_tx_type() { List items = new List();

        var db = new projeto_entities();
        var query = db.impressora.Select(c => new { c.imp_tx_tipo }).ToList();
        ViewBag.viewbag_imp_tx_tipo = new SelectList(query.AsEnumerable(), "imp_tx_tipo");


// GET: Printer/Edit/5 public Actionresult editarimpressora(int id_printer) {

        var impressora = impbo.consultar_id_impressora(id_impressora);


        return PartialView(impressora);

    // POST: Impressora/Edit/5
    [HttpPost, ActionName("editarimpressora")]
    public ActionResult atualizarimpressora([Bind(Include = "locl_nr_id")]int locl_nr_id, impressora imp)


        if (ModelState.IsValid)

                if (imp.imp_tx_tipo == "USB" || imp.imp_tx_tipo == "FAX")

                    var _impressora = new impressora()

                        locl_nr_id          = locl_nr_id,
                        imp_nr_id           = imp.imp_nr_id,
                        imp_tx_marca        = imp.imp_tx_marca.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_tx_modelo       = imp.imp_tx_modelo.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_tx_serie        = imp.imp_tx_serie.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_nm_volts        = imp.imp_nm_volts,
                        imp_nm_ip           = "",
                        imp_nm_patrimonio   = imp.imp_nm_patrimonio,
                        imp_dt_cadt         = imp.imp_dt_cadt,
                        imp_tx_status       = imp.imp_tx_status.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_tx_obs          = imp.imp_tx_obs.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_tx_tipo         = imp.imp_tx_tipo.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_tx_tipo_ip      = "N".Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_nm_mac_wifi     = "00:00:00:00:00:00",
                        imp_nm_mac_ethernet = "00:00:00:00:00:00",
                        imp_tx_mon_biv      = imp.imp_tx_mon_biv.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        imp_tx_tipo_imp     = imp.imp_tx_tipo_imp.Trim().ToUpper()

                    return RedirectToAction("listarallimpressora");

                    if (imp.imp_tx_tipo == "REDE" && imp.imp_tx_tipo_ip == "D")
                        var impressora = new impressora()
                            locl_nr_id          = locl_nr_id,
                            imp_nr_id           = imp.imp_nr_id,
                            imp_tx_marca        = imp.imp_tx_marca.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_tx_modelo       = imp.imp_tx_modelo.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_tx_serie        = imp.imp_tx_serie.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_nm_volts        = imp.imp_nm_volts,
                            imp_nm_ip           = "",
                            imp_nm_patrimonio   = imp.imp_nm_patrimonio,
                            imp_dt_cadt         = imp.imp_dt_cadt,
                            imp_tx_status       = imp.imp_tx_status.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_tx_obs          = imp.imp_tx_obs.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_tx_tipo         = imp.imp_tx_tipo.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_tx_tipo_ip      = imp.imp_tx_tipo_ip.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_nm_mac_wifi     = imp.imp_nm_mac_wifi,
                            imp_nm_mac_ethernet = imp.imp_nm_mac_ethernet,
                            imp_tx_mon_biv      = imp.imp_tx_mon_biv.Trim().ToUpper(),
                            imp_tx_tipo_imp     = imp.imp_tx_tipo_imp.Trim().ToUpper()
                        return RedirectToAction("listarallimpressora");
                        if (imp.imp_tx_tipo == "REDE" && imp.imp_tx_tipo_ip == "E")
                            var impressora = new impressora()
                                locl_nr_id          = locl_nr_id,
                                imp_nr_id           = imp.imp_nr_id,
                                imp_tx_marca        = imp.imp_tx_marca.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_tx_modelo       = imp.imp_tx_modelo.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_tx_serie        = imp.imp_tx_serie.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_nm_volts        = imp.imp_nm_volts,
                                imp_nm_ip           = imp.imp_nm_ip,
                                imp_nm_patrimonio   = imp.imp_nm_patrimonio,
                                imp_dt_cadt         = imp.imp_dt_cadt,
                                imp_tx_status       = imp.imp_tx_status.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_tx_obs          = imp.imp_tx_obs.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_tx_tipo         = imp.imp_tx_tipo.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_tx_tipo_ip      = imp.imp_tx_tipo_ip.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_nm_mac_wifi     = imp.imp_nm_mac_wifi,
                                imp_nm_mac_ethernet = imp.imp_nm_mac_ethernet,
                                imp_tx_mon_biv      = imp.imp_tx_mon_biv.Trim().ToUpper(),
                                imp_tx_tipo_imp     = imp.imp_tx_tipo_imp.Trim().ToUpper()

                            return RedirectToAction("listarallimpressora");

            catch (DataException)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Nao Foi Possivel Atualizar o Dado da Impressora. Favor Entrar em Contato com o Administrador...");
        return View();

In my view:

                    <div class="row">
                        <div class="input-field col s3">
                                // In a real system we would get this list from the database
                                List<SelectListItem> lista = new List<SelectListItem>();
                                lista.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "FAX", Value = "FAX" });
                                lista.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "USB", Value = "USB" });
                                lista.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "REDE", Value = "REDE" });

                                        foreach (var opt in @ViewBag.viewbag_imp_tx_tipo)
                                              string FAX = ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId("FAX"); 
                                              string USB = ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId("USB"); 
                                              string REDE = ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId("REDE");


                                            @Html.RadioButton("imp_tx_tipo", "FAX",  new { id = "FAX",  List = lista, value="FAX"})
                                            @*<input name="imp_tx_tipo" type="radio" id="FAX" class="with-gap" value="FAX" checked />*@
                                            <label for="FAX">FAX</label>
                                            @Html.RadioButton("imp_tx_tipo", "USB", new { id = "USB", List = lista, value = "USB" })
                                            @*<input name="imp_tx_tipo" type="radio" id="USB" class="with-gap" value="USB" />*@
                                            <label for="USB">USB</label>
                                            @Html.RadioButton("imp_tx_tipo", "REDE", new { id = "REDE", List = lista, value = "REDE" })
                                            @*<input name="imp_tx_tipo" type="radio" id="REDE" class="with-gap" value="REDE" />*@
                                            <label for="REDE">REDE</label>


                                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.imp_tx_tipo, "", new { @class = "red-text text-darken-2" })

Go our separate ways !!

Good luck!!

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