Multiple JDK/JRE


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Can I have multiple JDK/JRE facilities? because I have two different software and one depends exclusively on the 32bits version (aptana studio 3) and I’m already using the 64 bits version in the eclipse.

  • Yes. Just install the two it will fetch the corresponding that works with it.

2 answers


According to this guide of Oracle is possible.

The page also mentions:

Several versions of JRE can be run in different browser sessions. However, several versions cannot be run in the same browser session.

To open the Java control panel for a specific version, go to the directory C:\Program Files\Java\jre<versão>\bin\ and run the file javacpl.exe.


You may have several versions of Java installed, but software doesn’t always find the right version.

Most will try to find Java based on the environment variable path of your system which usually uses the variable JAVA_HOME. So, preferably, configure your variables for the most recent installation you have.

Then specifically configure each program to use the most appropriate Java version.

Eclipse, for example, is initialized by the native executable eclipse.exe. He will try to get the default Java by PATH, but it is also possible to edit the file eclipse.ini to define the JDK path as described in official documentation. Another alternative to Eclipse is to place JDK in a subdirectory of the eclipse folder called jdk, for example


Eclipse-based Ides will probably have the same configuration.

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