I currently have a . NET-based work infrastructure with Angular JS and a possibility of a new project using Java has emerged.
With . NET I use the following technologies:
ASP.NET Identity
Used for authentication and authorization. Management of access users with roles.
A REST layer that is consumed by an HTML5 client with Angular JS, with ASP.NET Identity-based authentication and authorization features.
ASP.NET Web Pages
How the client-side uses Angular JS instead of generating templates using . html (pure) that would not allow using any server-side preprocessing, I chose to use . cshtml (web pages) that makes it possible to do checks like this:
@if (User.IsInRole("admin")) {
<a href="/api/emp/excluir/5">Excluir</a>
That is, if the logged-in user does not have privileged information, or certain parts of the template, will never be sent to the browser. This is necessary to increase safety.
As the Java world has a multitude of frameworks available for the most diverse needs, which technologies in Java could be used to maintain a similar architecture?
thanks for the tip, I’ll keep the question open because I’ll still decide ...
– iuristona
ok. if you need help developing the solution in the framework I suggested, use the Demoiselle tag when asking the questions here in stackoverflow. The project community also offers a free distance learning (EAD) course with tutoring through the Moodle platform. https://moodle.ead.serpro.gov.br/blocks/course_catalog/guia_aluno.php?exibe=c&org=2&categoria=2220&url=
– Saito