Directory organization in the Silex framework


Viewed 166 times


Someone knows some link to start with this microframework, I searched but only find in English and is not complete, just shows the installation part. I’m having trouble assembling the folder structure: controllers, models.

My structure:

->(...)versão fat

I’ve been able to call Wig’s views so far. Thanks!!!

1 answer


Silex does not require any directory structure, you are free to use what you like best, which is most suitable for the project. If on the one hand this freedom is good (Silex does not impose anything that does not seem natural in the project), it is also bad (Silex does not induce you to organize your project well).

So it’s up to you to decide how to organize the directories. I found an interesting article on the subject, with a suggested organization. If you know English, it’s a good read.

  • Thanks for the help!

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