Create two jar with the same pom by eclipse


Viewed 259 times


How to create a pom in the Maven that manages by eclipse two files. Jars, where one will have the files . class and the other . jar will have the sources ( .java files) doing only one install. Example:



Example of my build:





2 answers


For those who find my question persistent I found an optimized solution. I type the content below in the pom, and write

mvn clean source:jar package

Note: remembering that when you create the project there is already a tag <package> it is not necessary to announce it, and if you do not choose any package it will create by default the "jar".



Maven has a plugin specialized in generating files jar with the project sources (source code for production or testing), the Maven Source Plugin.

To generate a jar with the project production source code (files .java), simply configure this plugin in your current plugin list:


Now, on the call mvn install, a jar will also be generated exemplo-version-sources.jar.

See more options of this plugin here.

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