I have the following doubt:
I have five columns...each with quarterly information;
Consolidado 31/12/2006 31/03/2007 30/06/2007 30/09/2007 31/12/2007 ....
Reserva de Lucros 12300 12300 646 646 33283 ...
Receita liquida 92479 61524 141850 255179 384120 ...
Lucro antes jurEBIT 17403 7386 23136 -23 32695 ...
Resultado financeir -3072 829 5288 16615 36681 ...
Receitas Financ 1107 2735 7469 22613 43320 ...
LAIR 14331 8215 28424 16592 69376 .....
I am looking for a function that gives me the sum of this information, and organize this sum in the matrix below, because I need the information in annual period:
That is, I want the function to feed the matrix below, already with the sums made:
Consolidado 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ...
Reserva de Lucros - - - - - ...
Receita liquida - - - - -
Lucro antes jurEBIT - - - - -
Resultado financeir - - - - -
Receitas Financ - - - - -
LAIR - - - - - ...
It is possible?
I removed the wordpress and xml tags because they don’t seem to make sense in your question. And in the future, try to provide an Excel spreadsheet with sample data to avoid that someone interested in answering needs to copy the question data. It costs nothing on your part, and it keeps people from answering to you for lack of time or laziness.
– Luiz Vieira