Problem in initial project configuration of 2nd edition Javaee book with JSF Prime Faces and CDI


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I started reading today the book I mention in the title of this question.

Following step by step I created the server in the eclipse, the project and the initial Servlet following the instructions of the book. But following the book when I try to carry out the step described on pages 33 and 34 that is to add the project to the server, I have the following answer: "There are no Resources that can be Added or Removed from the server".

I know other ways to get this to work because I’ve already created several projects and added to the server without problems.

I put this question as a way to help improve the book and help new ones in this matter.

So I would like to have a help to do following the book, maybe I missed something or in the book forgot to mention some step.

The images of the step I intended to perform. Of the Book: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

On my machine (the error): inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • This question is being discussed at the goal:

  • @Jorgeb. I went there to see the discussion about this question, maybe the biggest problem is even the title that seems a little generic. I don’t know if you’ve had the opportunity to see the book I’m reading, but there the author asks that all doubts be placed here with the tag algaworks and as I don’t have enough reputation to create a new (algaworks doesn’t exist yet) tag put a tag that makes a little bit of sense because of the content of the book. But I accept criticism, is always welcome.

  • 1

    I’m glad that this tag does not exist. I find it curious that he asks to create a spam tag. Something tells me you’ll find several other mistakes.

  • 2

    @Eudson how about including the code/image of your step-by-step described on pages 33 and 34?

  • And perhaps an answer from you as to how you solved the problem, so we may or may not find other answers. Just like the question can’t answer anything.

  • Okay @Jorgeb. I’ll do it. Mustache I didn’t realize: "spam tag".

  • @Eudson he asked to create a tag named after his company. This is in his interest. The tags should be about concepts, technologies, subjects or even products evident, one tag as name of a course company is not appropriate.

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1 answer


I was able to solve the problem I was having and the book is not wrong, just not very clear. I will explain the problem and solution.

Problem: In the book they ask to create a simple Maven project and then add to the project the project Facet Dynamic Web Module version 3.1. I did this but trying to add the project to serividor did not work, giving the error I showed. This happened because I tried to add the project to a tomcat7 server and not tomcat8 as it says in the book. But I only did this because I didn’t know there was this compatibility problem between the version of Facet and the server.

Solution: Simple :-) ... I created a tomcat8 server and it worked. I reached this conclusion thanks to the discussion below on the eclipse forum:

I believe that should be added in the book something that talks about it or even indicate a link that explains better, because we often do things without knowing why.

  • 1

    Eudson, welcome to []! Compatibility issues that occur between application servers and Apis is quite common in Java. Unfortunately, there is nothing today that is self-evident about this, so whenever you try to put a Java application on a server, you need to check which versions that server implements among the Apis that your application uses. It is important to also consider what version of Java the server supports (for example, Tomcat 5 had some problems with Java 6).

  • 1

    @utluiz Thanks for the reception and the tip, I hope to contribute a lot here and learn too.

  • @Eudson - Since you would like to contribute with us(community), a suggestion: Read the [tour]. There is a lot of useful information.

  • @Emanuelsn Li, thank you very much.

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