Calculation of how many times I need to send a string


Viewed 35 times


I have a service that updates status of controller boards..

Only he only returns me only 22 records at a time. Then I need to take the number of items I want to update and send the amount of messages needed to update all.

Example: I have 5 cards. I send only one update request. I have 23 plates. I must send two requisitions (1 until 22, and the other with only 23)

Could someone help me do that?

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    try to explain your question a little better, please show your code c# in more detail.

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1 answer


I’m not sure I understand the question, but maybe it’s something like this:

int numPlacas = CountPlacas();
const int numMaxRegistrosPorMensagem = 22;

int numMensagensNecessarias = (int)numPlacas  / numMaxRegistrosPorMensagem;

if((numPlacas % numMaxRegistrosPorMensagem) > 0)
  • Will additional messages only contain one card each? If yes, that’s correct...

  • Well observed @mutlei. I’ve already modified the code.

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