PDO does not connect to Mysql


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I’m trying to make a connection to the bank by PDO, but every time I try to make this connection, the message appears:

could not find driver

I went back to find out and learned that I had to enable PDO in php.ini. OK, I went there and took the ; from where I needed, but still the message appears.

My code is this:


// Faz conexão com banco de daddos
$pdo = new PDO("
}catch(PDOException $e){
// Caso ocorra algum erro na conexão com o banco, exibe a mensagem
echo 'Falha ao conectar no banco de dados: '.$e->getMessage();


Does anyone know what it can be?

  • You restarted PHP after changing the php.ini? What operating system is using?

  • @user2154508 Which version of php you are using? and which line was uncommented?

  • Which operating system you are using?

  • I am using Windows, and the version of my PHP is: PHP Version 5.2.6

  • Dude, are you sure you’re using PHP 5.2.6? If so, do you have a special reason? Otherwise, update this. It’s not the direct answer to your problem, but this version of is archaic.

  • Hello, can you tell what is the error returned ?

  • @Edilson is at the beginning of the question: could not find driver

  • @user2154508 beyond the pdo_mysql line you set up the php extensions folder in the file . ini ?

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7 answers


The extent of mysql is not installed or you do not have the mysql installed in the localhost.

Create a file info.php at the root of the webserver, with function phpinfo(); and then access localhost/info.php and look for pdo, There you see if the driver pdo for mysql is installed.


On linux, type in the terminal:

php -i | grep drivers

And make sure the driver is enabled. On Debian/Ubuntu based systems the installation is simple, on the terminal type:

//para instalar
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

//reiniciando o apache
sudo service apache2 restart


It is quite common to occur, especially with people who develop in Windows environment in versions prior to 5.3, version in which there is no need to enable a separate extension for the PDO itself, they enable only the PDO DLL (php_pdo.dll) and forget to enable PDO-supported DLL(s) (s) (s) that will be using.

The solution, also simple, is to edit PHP.INI by removing the comment sign ( ; ) from the line referring to, in this case, php_pdo_mysql.dll


A quick and easy way to test if mysql is available is by own PDO with its function PDO::getAvailableDrivers()

  $drivers = PDO::getAvailableDrivers();
    foreach ($drivers as $nome) {
      echo 'Disponivel: ' . $nome . '<br />';

This way you list all the drivers that PDO can use.


When this kind of problem occurs what can happen:

  • if you are using windows. may not have the respective dll
  • Mysql port installed is not the default (3306)
  • Database data is not correct


That’s how it works.

    // Faz conexão com banco de daddos
    $host = ('localhost');
    $user = ('root');
    $pass = ('root');
    $bancodb = ('curso_php');

    $conecta = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$bancodb", $user, $pass);
}catch(PDOException $e){
    // Caso ocorra algum erro na conexão com o banco, exibe a mensagem
    echo 'Falha ao conectar no banco de dados: '.$e->getMessage();


Execute php -m in the terminal/prompt and check that the pdo_mysql extension is actually enabled, if it is and still doesn’t work check that Mysql has been started.

  • 4

    That should be a comment, not an answer.

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