How to pass a list of pointers that references functions as a parameter


Viewed 38 times


I have a list of pointers that refer to functions in my code and I need to pass this list as a parameter to a function that prints the cases:

double f00(double x){
  return x;

double f01(double x){
  return x;

void imprimeTeste(int tam, double** ptrsToFunc(?), char** strings){ //Como receber corretamento
  for(int i = tam; i < tam; i++){
    int result = takeRoot(ptrsToFunc[i]);
    printf("%s resultado %d", strings[i], result);

int main() {
  char* strings[2] = {"Função 1", "Função 2"};
  double (*ptrsToFunc[2])(double) = {f00, f01};
  imprimeTeste(2, pntsToFunc, strings);

Notice that I can pass to my function to char* strings[2] and receive as char** strings, but I don’t know how to mount the header of my function imprimeTeste to receive the list double (*ptrsToFunc)(double).

  • Maybe this other question will help you: Rq=1

  • In the case of this answer he is passing a reference to each function. If I wanted to receive a reference, for example to my function f00, I would have a header with double(*f) (double x) as parameter. But in case I want to receive a list with these references, and not just once.

  • But I came up with an idea and then I’m gonna test it: double* (*f) (double x).

  • 1

    If the idea you had was to make a typedef will probably work.

1 answer


See these examples:

Case 1: using a pointer vector and size

Declare the vector thus:

    double (*ptrs[])(double) = {f00, f01};

And in function so:

void Teste1(int,double (*[])(double));

note that you can already list the function names in the statement, if it is something constant.

a full test

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

double f00(double);
double f01(double);
void Teste1(int,double (*[])(double));

int main(void)
    double (*ptrs[])(double) = {f00, f01};
    Teste1(2, ptrs);
    return 0;

double f00(double x)
    printf("F0(%.1f) chamada\n", x);
    return 42.0;

double f01(double x)
    printf("F1(%.1f) chamada\n", x);
    return 42.1;

void Teste1(int tam, double (*F[])(double))
    printf("%d funcoes a chamar\n", tam);
    for (int i = 0; i < tam; i += 1)
        printf("Funcao %d retornou %.1f\n", i, F[i]((double)i));


2 funcoes a chamar
F0(0.0) chamada
Funcao 0 retornou 42.0
F1(1.0) chamada
Funcao 1 retornou 42.1

Case 2: a pointer vector, NULL-terminated

It can be useful when it will always process all the records, in order, as a batch.

It’s simpler to use one typedef, something like that:

typedef double (*Fd_d)(double);

And declare the function with him

void Teste2(Fd_d*);`

In this case you have to mount the vector, as the system does with main() and the vector of arguments:

    Fd_d* vetor = (Fd_d*)malloc(3 * sizeof(Fd_d));
    vetor[0]    = f00;
    vetor[1]    = f01;
    vetor[2]    = NULL;

A complete example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

double f00(double);
double f01(double);

typedef double (*Fd_d)(double);
void Teste2(Fd_d*);

int main(void)
    printf("\nUsando vetor de ponteiros\n\n");
    Fd_d* vetor = (Fd_d*)malloc(3 * sizeof(Fd_d));
    vetor[0]    = f00;
    vetor[1]    = f01;
    vetor[2]    = NULL;
    return 0;

double f00(double x)
    printf("F0(%.1f) chamada\n", x);
    return 42.0;

double f01(double x)
    printf("F1(%.1f) chamada\n", x);
    return 42.1;

void Teste2(Fd_d* vetor)
    int i = 0;
    while (vetor[i] != NULL)
        printf("Funcao %d retornou %.1f\n", i, vetor[i]((double)i)), i ++;

Departure from the example

Usando vetor de ponteiros

F0(0.0) chamada
Funcao 0 retornou 42.0
F1(1.0) chamada
Funcao 1 retornou 42.1
  • 1

    Thanks @arfneto worked! I used double (*F[])(double) in the statement of my function!

  • In general it is the most useful. The pointer vector in some cases is better because the consumption is very simple, like 1 line in the example. But mounting the vector may take time

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