I need to disable window options made in Pysimplegui and allow closing only if you hit the password in a text box.
my code:
layout = [
[sg.Text('Senha'), sg.Input(key='senha', password_char='*')],
janela = sg.Window('', layout)
while True:
eventos, valores = janela.read()
if eventos == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
Mbox('Titulo', 'Você não pode fechar', 0)
if eventos == 'Liberar':
if valores ['senha'] == '123456':
Mbox('Titulo', 'Liberado', 0)
Mbox('Titulo', 'Senha errada', 0)
Below the sg.WINDOW_CLOSED
I’ve tried to put a continue
or a pass
but it didn’t work.
Some way to disable the function, hide or make the program open every time it is closed?
Thank you!! Gave straight, I will read more about this method
– Faber