Okay, if I understand correctly, your wish would be to "concatenate" the meters of the is to multiply by eight. In case this is possible yes, just convert the value of the counter to a string and concatenate with the previous counter. For this you will need a variable that at each loop will do the concatenation. Here is an example:
multiplicador = ''
for i in range(1, 4):
# aqui você deve concatenar a string multiplicador com o contador i
# como i é do tipo inteiro, você deve converte-lo para string com a função str()
multiplicador += str(i)
# agora para fazer o calculo é necessário converter a variável multiplicador
# para um tipo inteiro com a função int()
print(f'{multiplicador} * 8 + {i} = {int(multiplicador) * 8 + i}')
So the result will be
1 * 8 + 1 = 9
12 * 8 + 2 = 98
123 * 8 + 3 = 987
Hello Fox! Welcome to Stackoverflow in English! Your question is unclear. If you can improve your explanation, we can help.
– Daniel Ikenaga
Hi Daniel, I’m sorry and I’ve already edited.
– Raposa
Nothing is clear yet. What is the rule for defining the "first term of multiplication"?
– Woss
I have no idea it was in the statement I received, but I already solved the problem thanks in the same soma=1 for i in range(1,10): print(sum,"x 8+",i,"=",sum*8+i) sum = sum * 10 + i + 1
– Raposa