Is there a way back to a particular line of code?


Viewed 69 times


I would like to know if there is any module, function, etc. that would allow me to go back to a certain line of code.

I have this doubt because, whenever I want to ask a question repeatedly, I have to put the same variable again, as in lines 7 and 12

tupla = 'zero', 'um', 'dois', 'três', 'quatro', 'cinco', 'seis', 'sete', 'oito', 'nove', 'dez', 'onze',\
    'doze', 'treze', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'dezesseis', 'dezessete', 'dezoito', 'dezenove', 'vinte'
for num in tupla:
    num = int(input('Digite um número: '))
    ext = tupla[num]
    print(f'Você digitou o número {ext}')
    opcao = str(input('Quer continuar a ler os números por extenso? [S/N] ')).upper().strip()
    while opcao == 'S':
        num = int(input('Então digita outro número: '))
        ext = tupla[num]
        print(f'Você digitou o número {ext}')
        opcao = str(input('Quer continuar a ler os números por extenso? [S/N] ')).upper().strip()
    while opcao == 'N':
        exit('Obrigado por usar nosso programa.')

  • 1

    I don’t understand the question, you already use a loop of repetition while in your code. See Why in Python there is no drop?

  • The question I have is if there’s anything that makes me not need to replicate the question in the code.

  • So I’m going to rephrase. Why do you ask about repeating structures if you already use repeating structures in your code?

  • I think I have already understood why there is no way to refer to a certain line of code with the link you gave me about the fact that there is no goto in Python. However, just to be clear, what I wanted to know is if there was a way to not need to replicate, even if it is within a repeat structure, the same line of code.

1 answer


If I understand your problem just use a python function for the operation you want to repeat. Function tutorial

Your code for example could be rewritten like this:

numeros_por_extenso = [
    'zero', 'um', 'dois', 'três', 'quatro', 'cinco', 'seis', 'sete', 'oito', 'nove', 'dez', \
    'onze','doze', 'treze', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'dezesseis', 'dezessete', 'dezoito', 'dezenove', 'vinte']

def retorna_numero_por_extenso():
    numero = int(input('Digite um número: '))
    numero_extenso = numeros_por_extenso[numero]
    print(f'Você digitou o número {numero_extenso}')

execucao = True

while execucao:
    opcao = str(input('Quer continuar a ler os números por extenso? [S/N] ')).upper().strip()
    if opcao == 'N':
        execucao = False
        exit('Obrigado por usar nosso programa.')

Some details:

  • Try not to abbreviate the name of your variables
  • Do not use more than one while loop in the same code unless it is extremely necessary.

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