How to change the value of a textbox by another form? c#


Viewed 20 times


I have two forms: 'Sales' and 'productsDaVenda'

and a general variable that is in the code as Unique_home.Program.vendas.preco:

public static class vendas

        public static string preco { set; get; }


in the sales form I have this function:

public void getValor()
  TXTvalor.Text = Unique_Home.Program.vendas.preco; //TXTvalor do form 'vendas'

this function updates the text of the textbox to the value of the variable

In the form 'productosDaVenda' I want to call this function and I am using the following code:

private void BTNok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Unique_Home.Program.vendas.preco = TXTvalor.Text; //TXTvalor do form 'produtosDaVenda'

        foreach (Vendas oForm1 in Application.OpenForms.OfType<Vendas>())


However, when I click on this button I am presented with this error:

System.Invalidoperationexception: 'Invalid thread operation: 'Txtvalor' control accessed from a thread that is not the one in which it was created.'

from what I understand, I cannot call the function another form. Is there any way I could allow this? Or some other way to update the value of the sales texbox via a button on the products'

NOTE: The 'sales' form is open at all times, while the 'productosDaVenda' form opens via a button in the 'sales' form. That’s the button code, just in case:

private void BTNproduto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Unique_Home.Program.vendas.preco = TXTvalor.Text;

            trocarform = new Thread(abrirform);
  • Take a look at this answer and see if you can’t get a similar approach

1 answer


You are trying to modify a thread control that is not the one it belongs to, try changing it as follows:

private void BTNok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      Unique_Home.Program.vendas.preco = TXTvalor.Text;
      foreach (Vendas oForm1 in Application.OpenForms.OfType<Vendas>())

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