Why doesn’t my Progressbar increase values?


Viewed 17 times


I have an application in Winforms where I have Tasks and in each task I implement statically a value there progressBar, I would just like to know why it does not show this evolution in winForms Ui.

private async void btnTratar_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int i;

        progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
        progressBar1.Maximum = 100;

        await Task.Run(() =>

            pastaTiff = tbCaminho.Text + @"\TIFF";
            pastaJpeg = tbCaminho.Text + @"\JPEG";
            pastaJpegWM = tbCaminho.Text + @"\JPEGWM";
            if (!Directory.Exists(pastaTiff))
            if (!Directory.Exists(pastaJpeg))

            DirectoryInfo Parent = Directory.GetParent(tbCaminho.Text);

            if (Directory.Exists(Parent.ToString()))
                pastaTiffWM = Parent.ToString() + @"\TIF_MarcadAgua";


            if (!Directory.Exists(pastaJpegWM))

            if (Directory.Exists(Parent.ToString()))

                pastaPDFTxt = Parent.ToString() + @"\PDF+TXT";



        List<string> files = new List<string>();

        foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(tbCaminho.Text, "*.tif"))

        foreach (string file in files)
            FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(file);
            if (dirName == "")
                string[] hlpr = fInfo.Name.Split('_');
                dirName = hlpr[0];

        await Task.Run(() => {
            TifConverter(files, pastaJpeg, pastaTiff);
            i = 20;
            progressBar1.Value = i;

        await Task.Run(() => {
            i = 40;
            progressBar1.Value = i;

        List<string> filesWM = new List<string>();

        foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(pastaTiffWM, "*.tif"))

        await Task.Run(() =>
            TifConverterWM(filesWM, pastaJpegWM, pastaTiff);
            i = 60;
            progressBar1.Value = i;

        await Task.Run(() => 
            ConvertToPDF(pastaJpegWM, pastaPDFTxt, dirName);
            i = 80;
            progressBar1.Value = i;
        //ConvertToPDF(pastaJpegWM, pastaPDFTxt, dirName);
        DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tbCaminho.Text);
        tvResultado.AfterSelect += tvResultado_AfterSelect;
        BuildTree(dirInfo, tvResultado.Nodes);
        MessageBox.Show("Conversão concluída com sucesso", "Sucesso", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        dirName = "";


        i = 100;
        progressBar1.Value = i;

The main problem I find is this mistake.

System.InvalidOperationException: 'A operação entre threads não é válida: controlo 'progressBar1' acedido a partir de um thread diferente do thread onde foi criado.'

1 answer


In this case you are trying to modify controls within a thread that is not what it belongs to. To solve you can involve these controls as follows:

           labelX.Text = "Teste A";
           labelY.Text = "Teste B";
           labelZ.Text = "Teste C";
           progressBar1.Value = i;

Another detail, if you want to keep your code, just do the following in the last line containing the bar Progress:

await Task.Run(() => 
        progressBar1.Value = i;

I believe you forgot to implement await when you put progressBar1.Value = i; on the last line.

  • Thanks, it worked.

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