I’m using the Tdatetimepicker component.
I put in the FORMAT property the following value: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
Running in form if not "click" on component and change values, example
21/09/2018 14:55:56 para 21/10/2018 20:55:56
when capturing (Datetimepicker2.Datetime) the value I have 21/10/2018 14:55:56 for some reason the Time "HH:mm:ss" component does not update.
I found on the Internet the code, to put in the Onchange of the Datetimepicker:
lEdit: TCustomEdit;
TDateTimePicker(Sender).DateTime := StrToDateTime(TCustomEdit(Sender));
But I have the following error when compiling:
E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'StrToDateTime' that can be called with these arguments
What is your goal when picking up the Timepicker Time?
– Lucas Riechelmann Ramos